Randomizing image position in a slide object

gilis giladsabo at gmail.com
Mon Feb 22 14:44:09 UTC 2010

Hi to all again,

Appologize for bothring the forum again, but it's not a too hard one I
I want the computer to randomly present the stimuli in the center,
left or right side
of the display.

I know that  it can be done easily by adding attribute ("side") in the
trial list with values of left right or center and then to define the
X axis of the image in the slide object as [side] and that's all.

However, this method means that I have to insert manualy all different
combinations -and it's not an elegant solution.

I tried to define side as a new attribute in an inline object this way

c.SetAttrib "side", RandomizeArray(1,3,4)

of course-it didn't work and I tried many different configurations and
randomization commands. With which command can I randomize left,
center and right?


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