Interfacing E-Prime v.1 with EyeLink SR1000

Candy Patterson candy.patterson at
Mon Jun 28 12:15:19 UTC 2010

I have an E-Prime script (several in fact) for an experiment that I
have been running successfully and now wish to collect eye movement
pattern data for these studies using an EyeLink SR1000 eye tracker.
However, despite the EyeLink saying it supports E-Prime I cannot find
an example script that successfully interfaces the two and my attempt
keeps coming back with the same error.

All examples seem to begin with the command 'Sub' which is what is
coming back as the error as an unrecognised command. Not sure if the
rest of the script works as this is the first command that is given
both in the SR manual and other websites. Does anyone know whether it
is possible to use E-Prime on an EyeLink and more importantly has
anyone been able to successfully run a study using the two? I have a
pile of experiments waiting to gain eye data that I would like to keep
as E-Prime scripts. Using version 1 as the EyeLink host computer is
not networked so unable to install version 2.

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