Randomize trials, but always keep the last one the same

ELine elinebp at hotmail.com
Wed Dec 7 12:57:45 UTC 2011

Hi Eprimers

I have a a question that I hope you might have some inputs on. I'm
designing an experiment which have 5 trials: read, write, listen to
normal speech, listen to speech in noise, and relax. I want to design
the experiment such that the first four trials are randomized, but the
last one should always be relax.

I've tried to solve it by creating lists (10 .txt-files) with
different order of the tasks, but always ending with 'relax'. The idea
was to get a random generator to choose between the lists using the
inline (placed in the BlockProc before the TrialList):
c.SetAttrib "ListNr", "List"+CStr(random(1,10))+".txt"
But E-Prime does not allow the reference to attributes when defining
the input file to the list.

Does any of you brilliant minds have a suggestion to how I can fix
I hope to hear from you

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