Payoff Matrix - Feedback Counter (Tidy up script)

Caleb J. Picker dbzgtfan4ever at
Mon Jan 10 02:00:06 UTC 2011


 I have learned so much about E-Prime through this group and through butting 
my head against E-Prime's metaphorical wall (i.e. scripting).  It is now 
time for me to post a question.

 *My experiment:*

 This memory experiment asks participants to study a list of pictures.  At 
test, they are presented with both the pictures they just studied and new 
pictures.  Their job is to discriminate between studied and non-studied 
pictures (e.g. "Was this old or new?").  In this experiment, there are 5 
such study-test blocks.  My manipulation is to use five different payoff 
matrices which correspond to the five study-test blocks.  Each study-test 
block (and thus, each payoff matrix) will be presented in random order to 
each new participant.

 *My question:*

 I am trying to create a feedback counter to present to participants after 
each trial.  I can do it, but my script requires many nested "If...Then" 
statements and "Select Case" statements.  The reason for this is because of 
the following:

 1) I have two experiment startup conditions.  I have an "Old New" Condition 
and a "PDP" condition (not important what these actually mean).  As a 
result, I also have two different SlideObjects (TestSlideOLDNEW and 
TestSlide) that correspond to each condition.  The TestSlide objects collect 
trial responses.

2) I have 5 different "Payoff Matrix" conditions (I call them A, B, C, D, 
and E).

3) I need to assign different 'points' to each correct and incorrect 

4) For each correct and incorrect response, I need to assign different point 
values based on the type of picture presented (e.g. old/studied or 
new/non-studied).  This corresponds to Hits, Misses, False Alarms, and 
Correct Rejections.

 I will try to explain what I have in the following script:



'This If...Then statement refers to (1) above

If c.getattrib ("TestType") = "OldNew" then

Select Case MasterList.getattrib ("Payoff") ' This refers to the five 
different Payoff Matrices

            Case "A" 'First payoff matrix

                        If MasterList.getattrib ("StatusOldNew") = "Old" 

                                    If TestSlideOLDNEW.ACC = 1 then 'Hit 

                                                AccuracyDisplay = 
AccuracyDisplay+1 'counter

                                                c.setattrib "Accuracy", 
AccuracyDisplay 'Sets Accuracy attribute so that I can display up-to-date 
point system per trial

                                    Elseif TestSlideOLDNEW.ACC = 0 then 

                                                Accuracy Display = 

                                                c.setattrib "Accuracy", 

                                    Else MsgBox "Conservative A condition 
payoff matrix error Status Old"

                                    End if

                        Elseif MasterList.getattrib("StatusOldNew") = "New" 

                                    If TestSlideOLDNEW.ACC = 1 then 'Correct 

                                                AccuracyDisplay = 

                                                c.setattrib "Accuracy", 

                                    Elseif TestSlideOLDNEW.ACC = 0 then ' 
False Alarm

                                                AccuracyDisplay = 

                                                c.setattrib "Accuracy", 

                                    Else MsgBox "Conservative A condition 
payoff matrix error Status New"

                                    End if

                        Else MsgBox "StatusOLDNEW payoff matrix error"

            Case "B"




Case "E"


Elseif c.getattrib("TestType") = "PDP" then

    Select Case.........






You can see that much of my script seems redundant, but I cannot figure out 
how to condense the script any further.  I am familiar with For...Next 
loops, SubRoutines, Arrays, If...Then, IIf, and Select...Case functions as 
I've read the E-Basic help on these functions and used them in the past. 
 However, my personal experience with Subroutines and Arrays is limited, but 
I understand them enough to have been able to use them in the past 
effectively.  The solutions I've thought of merely require rearranging 
everything in IIF, If...Then, or functions, but this seems 
like a rather unnecessary rearrangement.  I've also thought of declaring an 
array so that I can just add values to the counter within a For...Next loop, 
but this also seems unnecessary because I could just as easily input the 
actual integer values. 

Therefore, my question is, how can I condense this script further?  I will 
continue to try to innovate, but I would also like to hear any 
comments/suggestions that any of you might have.  I plan to post my 
(hopefully, elegant) solution once I reach it.

If anything seems unclear, please let me know.

Thank you!

Caleb J. Picker


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