eye tracking reading study

Lisa Levinson lml1934 at gmail.com
Fri Jul 1 12:53:32 UTC 2011

Not sure about this but for the EEG experiments I have helped with
that explore reading they seem to use the list function to generate
sentences. The words appear one at a time but it's the only way you
can flag (for segmentation) the aspect of the sentence being
investigated. Might be totally different for eye-tracking but that's
how I have seen the reading experiments are organized for EEG.

On Jun 28, 4:46 pm, Alon Hafri <aha... at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi, wondering if someone in the group can help me out.
> I am creating an E-Prime experiment using the E-Prime Extensions for
> Tobii. For each trial, the participant will read a sentence, and I
> would like to record reading times for each window of size 1 to 3
> words.
> I have experience with using list attributes to set Slide Image
> position (and therefore AOI position) at runtime, as well as with
> using transparent Slide Images overtop of larger images to act as
> AOIs, but I've never done a reading study before. Since the words will
> vary in length for each trial, but will need to be evenly spaced (and
> on multiple lines conceivably), it would be great if position for
> every window would not have to be specified but could be determined by
> a script.
> I can think of a few solutions, but perhaps someone has an easier one?
> 1) create a Slide Text object for each word (or window), and so they
> could act as their own AOIs.
> Drawbacks: You would have to specify locations for each one, and it
> could be tricky lining them up appropriately so words are evenly
> spaced.
> 2) Have one Slide Text object for the whole sentence and have
> transparent AOIs overtop as the AOIs.
> Drawbacks: You would still have to specify locations for each, but the
> text would be in one object so would appear normal.
> 3) Suggestions?
> Thanks!
> Alon

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