Sound Issues

David McFarlane mcfarla9 at
Tue Nov 15 22:09:25 UTC 2011

Well, your own results already pretty much answer your own question 
-- and as I said in another thread here just yesterday 
), "AFAIK, PST has still not gotten movies & sound to work reliably 
under Windows Vista/7".

Your error message is exactly the behavior that I investigated & 
reported back at 
.  You can also go to PST's own Knowledge Base and see there that 
even they do not yet recommend using sound or movies with Windows 
Vista/7.  Around here we still just reformat every subject running 
machine to use Windows XP, although we may leave Vista/7 on machines 
used merely for E-Prime development.

BTW, sound still works fine with good old EP1 under Vista/7 (although 
of course you cannot play movies or record sound with EP1).  It is 
only the combination of EP2 + Vista/7 that fails with sound & movies.

-- David McFarlane

At 11/15/2011 02:26 PM Tuesday, cogneuro wrote:
>Thank you both again for the helpful replies. It seems that I just 
>made a very stupid mistake. (i had my jpeg files entered as 
>picture.jpeg instead of picture.jpg lol).
>However, think I do have another 'real' problem with my experiment. 
>Everything is runs the way I want initially but then I receive the 
>following run time error.
>Run-time Error (Line 1616) -999: The operation to load the sound timed out
>Size: 220500
>Available: 0
>Duration: 61126531
>BufferFull: 220500
>Presented: 11026
>Presenting: YesWorking: Yes
>TimeStart: 39980
>TimeOut: 49981
>TimeFirstPresenter: 0
>I'm running this on Windows 7 and I have e-prime 2.0. I read on the 
>pst forums that this causes the issue but there doesn't seem to be a 
>solution other than running the program on XP. Is this still the 
>case? (the thread i saw was from 2008).
>Thank you!!!
>On Tue, Nov 15, 2011 at 10:13 AM, David McFarlane 
><<mailto:mcfarla9 at>mcfarla9 at> wrote:
>If the images worked when you used an ImageDisplay object, then they 
>should work just the same when you use them in a SlideImage 
>sub-object within a Slide, so I cannot imagine what you are doing 
>wrong.  If you are using SoundIn then you must be using EP2 (please, 
>in future, specify your EP version and OS), so it should work with 
>.jpg files (EP1 worked with only .bmp files).  Adding SlideSoundOut 
>or SlideSoundIn to the Slide should make no difference, I have 
>successfully done all this myself.
>OTOH, if you did not earlier get this to work even with an 
>ImageDisplay or without the SoundIn, then perhaps you should first 
>back up a bit and redo the ImageDisplay and Slide tutorials in the 
>Getting Started Guide that came with E-Prime.  While you are at it, 
>also do *all* the tutorials and exercises (including Appendix C!) in 
>the User's Guide.
>-- David McFarlane
>At 11/14/2011 07:36 PM Monday, cogneuro wrote:
>Thank you both so much for your replies!
>I just did need to change the settings in E-Prime to add a sound 
>capture device.
>But now I ran into some more problems. The audio files play, but I 
>want to slide with the SlideSoundOut to also have a corresponding 
>picture with it. However, I keep getting the 'ImageDisplay Internal 
>Error has occurred.' I have the same name as my list attribute as 
>the file name in my slide image properties. And the images are 
>.jpegs and in the same folder. I'm not sure what I did wrong. Do you 
>have to do something different if you want sound and pictures on the 
>same slide?
>Thanks again!!
>On Mon, Nov 14, 2011 at 2:47 PM, David McFarlane 
><<mailto:mcfarla9 at>mcfarla9 at> wrote:
>Are you trying to *play* sound with a SoundOut or SlideSound, or 
>*record* sound with a SoundIn or SlideSoundIn?  If you get this 
>error while trying to record sound, then Meltem has provided the 
>answer.  If while trying to play sound, then the solution is much 
>the same, except that you must add or enable the Sound device instead.
>EP2 by default enables the sound device, so it would be weird to get 
>this error unless somebody manually disabled the device.  By 
>contrast, EP1 by default includes the Sound device but disables it, 
>making this error much more likely.
>-- David McFarlane
>At 11/12/2011 05:59 PM Saturday, Meltem BALLAN wrote:
>Hi There,
>It is a pretty common error. You need to add a sound capture device. 
>Go to Edit-> Experiments-> Devices-> Add Sound Capture Device. I 
>think it will solve your issue.
>Good Luck.
>On Sat, Nov 12, 2011 at 5:42 PM, cogneuro 
><<mailto:neuropsych76 at><mailto:neuropsych76 at><mailto:neuropsych76 at>neuropsych76 at> 
>Hi all,
>I've used E-Prime a decent amount but never for audio files. I keep 
>running into errors when I try to input my auditory stimuli. The 
>experiment is pretty simple, I want to present a list of picture 
>files, then audio files. My pictures present well, but my audio 
>files always crash. I have my general procedure with a list for the 
>pictures, procedure for the pictures, and a slide that presents the 
>pictures. I have the same thing for the audio files but I keep 
>getting the error message 'The device must be open prior to calling 
>this method' on the slide where I have my sounds on. I've been 
>searching around but can't quite find what the issue is. I'm just 
>using .wav files so I thought they would be compatible with E-Prime 2.
>Thank you for any help!
>Meltem Ballan, PhD
>Department of Psychiatry, CB# 7160
>University of North Carolina School of Medicine
>7023 Neurosciences Hospital
>Chapel Hill, NC 27599-7160

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