Presenting different images in the same slide

gilis giladsabo at
Sun Oct 2 12:36:06 UTC 2011

Thanks Liw,

So, this is what I did-I made an attribute ("picture") whose default
value was "black" (I have two bmp files in the experiment folder:
black and white). In the file name line of the image slide I defined
the file name as "[picture].bmp". Then, in the inline that appear just
after the participant response to the slide I added that:
 if theslidename.Acc=o then
c.SetAttrib "picture", white
goto repeattheslide
end if
For some reason, and I tried many different approaches, the program
refused to generate the experiment, indicating that "black is not a
function"..Then I tried entirely different approach -I removed the
image from the slide and instead put these code lines in the inline
that appear just after the participant response:

Set showword2_SlideImage =
showword2_SlideImage.Filename = c.GetAttrib("picture")&_".bmp"
Set showword2_SlideImage = Nothing

But then it told me that there is a "misplaced line continuation"..So,
perhaps I did it all wrong from the beginning, any help would be
highly regarded...


On Oct 2, 1:02 pm, liwenna <liwe... at> wrote:
> Hi Gilis,
> Not sure whether this is much more elegant than your previous
> solution, which seems just fine by me. After your first slide
> (slide1?) create a second slide and give this slide a second
> slidestate (tab like symbol in the top of the slide 'browser' ). Give
> one slidestate the title '1'  and the other slidestate the title
> '0' (title row in the properties table left at the left side of the
> window). Rebuild the elements of the previous slide (the slide that
> people have responded too, ie. your stimuli) on both the slidestates.
> In the slidestate called '0' also add an image (or a simple text
> box??) with an 'X'. At the slide properties menu set the slidestate to
> refer to the accuracy variable of the previous slide (i.e.
> [slide1.acc] ). Now, depending on whether the slide1.acc has value 0
> or 1, the second slide will show either slide state 0 (with the x) or
> slidestate 1 (no x).
> best,
> liw
> On 2 okt, 04:40, gilis <gilads... at> wrote:
> > Hi again,
> > I want participants to see X symbol at the bottom of the slide when
> > they give wrong answer but if they gave correct response they will see
> > no change in the display. The slide background is black and I know I
> > can achieve that by setting an attribute whose value is "image.bmp"
> > which calls the X image from the experiment folder in the event of
> > wrong response. Else, it will call "Black" image from the same folder,
> > but this is not an elegant solution I think-what would be a better one?

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