Stimuli/ Triggers/ Timing difficulties

David McFarlane mcfarla9 at
Fri May 4 14:20:44 UTC 2012

I should also mention the following PST Knowledge Base articles:  (WritePort)  (Port device to 
receive signal)  (Onset/OffsetSignal)  (general parallel port info)

David McFarlane
E-Prime training 
Twitter:  @EPrimeMaster (

At 5/3/2012 05:23 PM Thursday, David McFarlane wrote:
>At 5/3/2012 01:36 PM Thursday, Douglas wrote:
>>1-I have to Synchronize Trigger with Stimulus with. What we have 
>>is: Stimulus.OnsetSignalData=c.getattrib ("cond") But I have been 
>>told I have to add "SynchTrigger" somewhere! Does anyone know how I 
>>can Synchronize Trigger time and Stimulus time like
>>they start at 0 millisec?
>Read Chapter 4, "Using E-Basic", in the User's Guide that came with 
>E-Prime, and see the "Context.GetAttrib" and Onset/OffsetSignal 
>topics in the E-Basic Help facility.  My online course also has a 
>lesson that addresses this very topic.  PST Web Support 
>(  ) might also 
>help you with this.
>>2-I have asked other researchers who work with e-prime on Windows7 
>>and one told me eprime doesn't work well( in matters of time) with 
>>Windows7. Is that true?
>You may find PST's latest statements at their Knowledge Base, e.g., 
> and 
> .  We have been 
>sticking to Windows XP as much as possible, but I don't know that 
>that's so necessary anymore.  In any case, best practice calls for 
>every lab to verify these matters for themselves rather than to rely 
>on the proclomations of commercial companies who stand to make a 
>profit, or random windbags on the internet like me.  So devise and 
>run your own tests (perhaps using an oscilloscope or other trusted 
>measuring devices).
>>3-I came across one line which I don't know what exactly it is doing!
>>Do you have any ideas?
>Read Chapter 4, "Using E-Basic", in the User's Guide that came with 
>E-Prime, and see the "Context.SetAttrib" topic in the E-Basic Help facility.
>>4- would you please tell me what is called the time the computer 
>>shows the picture and the time it shows the trigger? are they start times?
>This has been discussed already.
>>5- If I want triggers and stimuli to show up on monitors at the 
>>exact same time( Millisec), How do I have to write the command codes?
>I would use the Onset/OffsetSignal facilities of E-Prime.  See, 
>e.g., the Slide.OnsetSignalEnabled and related topics in the E-Basic 
>Help facility.  And my online course has a lesson that addresses 
>this very topic.
>>6- Why are we having Triggers much sooner than Stimuli? and why it 
>>is variable in different stimuli? we have 200 Stimuli and I can see 
>>on Iwave Triggers come sooner than Stimuli( up to 900millisec)
>>7- If ever, anyone accepts to look at the exp.es2 to explore and 
>>correct the problem, I will be grateful.
>PST Web Support 
>(  ) may do 
>that for you, give them a try.
>>Looking forward to a huge help, desperately!
>Relax, the world does not hinge on your research project.  When I 
>was in graduate school, my advisor told me to slow down, science is 
>a deliberative enterprise, take time to properly deliberate.  Or 
>have things changed that much since the early 1980s?
>David McFarlane
>E-Prime training 
>Twitter:  @EPrimeMaster (

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