how to display 20 stimuli, then give break, then continue on with next 20, then give break, etc.

David McFarlane mcfarla9 at
Fri Mar 8 15:13:30 UTC 2013

This question comes up from time to time, see, e.g., 
.  PST's "Insert A Pause" InLine If-Then method is popular.  My own 
favorite method is to put all the stimuli into one nested List (set 
to Sequential or Random order, as appropriate), make the break into a 
separate Procedure, and then in the main running List put the 
sequence of trial and break Procedures, running in Sequential 
order.  Something like

Weight  Nested    Procedure
------  --------  ---------
     20  StimList  TrialProc
      1            RestProc
     20  StimList  TrialProc
      1            RestProc
     20  StimList  TrialProc

We do this in one of the exercises in my online E-Prime course.  Note 
that this method does not require any inline code, it merely takes 
advantage of the features provided by E-Prime.  Nested Lists are 
wonderful -- please also see the Nested Lists tutorial in Appendix C 
of the User's Guide that came with E-Prime.

David McFarlane
E-Prime training 
Twitter:  @EPrimeMaster (

At 3/8/2013 04:58 AM Friday, David Vinson wrote:
>One way is to create an unreferenced "Break" object and then use 
>inline code to run it only in certain conditions (e.g. trial mod 20 = 0).
>See the sample experiment "Insert A Pause" on PST's site:
>It's also possible to do the same thing by including the Break 
>display in your main trial procedure, followed by a Label.   Add an 
>inline object before Break display to test sample number and "goto 
>labelname" if it does not meet your desired conditions (thus 
>skipping the break except when conditions are met for it).   Not 
>entirely elegant but very easy to implement.
>On 08/03/2013 00:16, LKem wrote:
>>I'm presenting sentence stimuli and have over 100, which I want to 
>>present sequentially, in the order entered into the e-prime list object.
>>I would like to give subjects a break every 20 items.
>>Thus, they would read items 1-20, then have a break,  then they 
>>would continue on with the next 20 stimuli (now pulling items 21 - 
>>40), then have a break, then read items 41 to 60, then have a break, etc.
>>I cannot figure out how to build in such a break, short of running 
>>each group as a separate experiment (in which case, I'd have to 
>>combine the data files from each separate experiment).
>>Any suggestions?  I'm not great at programming from scratch, but 
>>may be able to take someone else's script (doing something similar) 
>>& make it work in my experiment.
>David Vinson, Ph.D.
>ESRC Research Fellow
>Cognitive, Perceptual and Brain Sciences Research Department
>University College London
>26 Bedford Way, London WC1H 0AP
>Tel +44 (0)20 7679 5311  (UCL internal ext. 25311)

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