IF ... AND ... THEN ...

David McFarlane mcfarla9 at msu.edu
Mon Nov 11 21:14:28 UTC 2013


What if you try something more like

If (CentralS.RESP = "5" and Distractor.RESP = "") Then
     WritePort &H378, 5
     sleep 2
     WritePort &H378, 0
End If

- In E-Basic, the "&" operator means string concatenation, not 
logical And (see the "& (operator)" topic in the E-Basic Help 
facility).  For logical/binary And, you want, well, "And" (and note 
that E-Basic ignores case).

- The If-Then part must exist on one logical line, without any comma.

- If the "Then" part of the statement covers more than one line, then 
you must use the full "If-Then... End If" structure -- see the 
"If...Then...Else (statement)" topic in the E-Basic Help facility, or 
consult any VBA reference.

- If you want to compare RESP to (none), then you must use an empty 
string, i.e., "".  The sting " " indicates a string containing one 
space, which is not the same as an empty string.  Furthermore, RESP 
would never contain the string " ", because each space in RESP would 
be encoded as {SPACE} -- see the "{key} nomenclature" topic in the 
E-Basic Help facility.

In general, you may study the Guides that came with E-Prime, VBA 
(Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications) documentation, and the 
E-Basic Help facility to get most of this basic information.

David McFarlane
E-Prime training 
online:  http://psychology.msu.edu/Workshops_Courses/eprime.aspx
Twitter:  @EPrimeMaster (https://twitter.com/EPrimeMaster )

Stock reminder:  1) I do not work for PST.  2) PST's trained staff 
take any and all questions at https://support.pstnet.com , and they 
strive to respond to all requests in 24-48 hours, so make full use of 
it.  3) In addition, PST offers several instructional videos on their 
YouTube channel (http://www.youtube.com/user/PSTNET ).  4) If you do 
get an answer from PST staff, please extend the courtesy of posting 
their reply back here for the sake of others.

At 11/11/2013 03:03 PM Monday, vanlessen.naomi at gmail.com wrote:
>Dear all,
>I need to write an inline stating:
>If Stimulus1.RESP = 5 AND if Stimulus2.RESP is (none), THEN (write 
>trigger to port), but I keep on getting error messages that after 
>'If Stimulus1.RESP = 5' it expects ', then', instaed of taking the 
>second part (AND if Stimulus2.RESP is (none)) into consideration.
>If (CentralS.RESP = "5" & Distractor.RESP = " "),
>then WritePort &H378, 5
>sleep 2
>WritePort &H378, 0
>Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong here?
>Thank you!

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