BART E-Prime 2.0 Missing PumpNPopList Nested List

Raquel Cowell raquel.antoinette at
Mon Nov 18 20:19:34 UTC 2013

I recently downloaded an E-Prime 2.0 version of the BART from

For the most part, the .es2 file is great, but there seems to be a missing 
nested list from the TrialList. In the TrialList, there are the following 4 
columns: Weight; Nested; Procedure; PayPerPump.

Within the Nested column is the following text: "PumpNPopList". However, 
the list is never detailed anywhere and the icon placeholder is a "?"

I want to replace the list with the correct information, but I am unsure of 
what exactly should be included.

Any help or insight would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

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