Problem with remembering the previous total payoff in Iowa Gambling Task (IGT)

Fan W wangfanuva at
Mon Sep 16 12:55:37 UTC 2013


I am using the e-prime to modify the IGT. Everything is working fine except 
that the previous total payoff cannot be remembered. This leads to a 
problem that every time a new card is selected, the total payoff is not 
added from the previous total payoff in the last trial but is added from 
$2000 in each trial. For example:

Subjects start with $2000,

Trial no.1: Won $ 100; Lost $0; so the Total is $2000+$100-$0= $2100
Trial no.2: Won $100; Lost$300; so the Total should be $2100+$100-$300=$1900

BUT, in my design, the Total is $2000+$100-$300=$1800

The script I wrote in InLine object of the Total payoff calculation is:

If strHit="Image1" then
List c

Youwon=List1.GetCurrentAttrib ("Gaintrial")
Youlost=List1.GetCurrentAttrib ("Losstrial")
Total = 2000+Total+Youwon- Youlost

("Image1" is Deck A.
 "If strHit...means if the mouse click on Deck A, then run List1"
"List 1" is the payment schedule of Deck A.
"Youwon" is the amount of money won in each trial.
"Youlost" is the amount fo money lost in each trial.
"Gaintrial" is the attribute of List1 and is the winning schedule of Deck A.
"Losstrial" is the attribute of List1 too and is the losing schedule of 
Deck A.)

The amount of "Youwon" "Youlost" and "Total" are displayed on the feedback 

I am not sure where  I am wrong, so I hope people who know how to solve 
this problem may help me out!

Thank you very much!



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