[etnolinguistica] Informativo: V Conferencia Internacional sobre a Evolução da Linguagem

Christiane de Oliveira cco at DARKWING.UOREGON.EDU
Thu Jul 31 03:52:03 UTC 2003

Evolution of Language:
Fifth International Conference, 2004.

Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Leipzig, Germany.

Wednesday March 31st --- Saturday April 3rd, 2004.

Call for abstracts

One-page abstracts are now solicited.

CONTENT: The conference welcomes substantive contributions relating to the 
evolution of human language from any relevant discipline, including 
Anthropology, Genetics, Population Biology, Linguistics, Psychology, 
Primatology, Ethology, Paleontology, Archeology, Artificial Life, 
Mathematical Modelling. Normal standards of academic quality apply. Thus, 
submitted abstracts should aim to make clear their own substantive claim, 
relating this to relevant scientific literature, and briefly setting out 
the method by which the claim is substantiated, the nature of the relevant 
data, and/or the core of the theoretical argument concerned.

DEADLINE: Abstracts should be submitted by October 31st, 2003.

FORMAT: Each abstract should conform to the following specifications:
    * Length: a single page of A4, single-spaced, font size 12pt or larger, 
with 2.5cm margins all round. Any diagrams must fit on this single page.
    * Head material: Give:
    * Title of paper,
    * Author name(s),
    * Author affiliation(s) in brief (1 line),
    * Email address of principal author.
    * (This head material must be at the top of the single A4 page.)

METHOD: Email your abstract to evolang5 at ling.ed.ac.uk, as an ATTACHMENT 
(i.e.not included in the message) in PLAIN TEXT (i.e. NOT as a MSword 
document or similar).

Further information

Further information, about plenary speakers, accommodation, conference 
fees, etc. will be forthcoming from time to time by email, and by updating 
of the web pages. If you would like to be included in further emailings, 
please subscribe to the EvoLang email list. You can do this by sending an 
email to <MAILTO:majordomo at ling.ed.ac.uk>majordomo at ling.ed.ac.uk with the 
following single-line message (not in the subject header):

subscribe evolang

Extra attraction

As an "extra treat" for participants, Mike Tomasello has promised a guided 
tour of the Wolfgang Köhler Primate Research Center (aka "Pongoland"), a 
joint facility of the Max Planck Institute and Leipzig Zoo investigating 
the behavior and cognition of the great apes. (See 
<http://www.eva.mpg.de/psycho/files/apes.html>here for further information.)

Conference Organizing Committee:
Bernard Comrie (Max Planck Institute, Leipzig)
Jean-Louis Dessalles (Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Télécommunications, Paris)
Tecumseh Fitch (Wissenschaftskolleg, Berlin; University of St Andrews)
James R Hurford (University of Edinburgh)
Chris Knight (University of East London)
Michael Studdert-Kennedy (Haskins Laboratories)
Maggie Tallerman (University of Durham)
Alison Wray (Cardiff University)
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