Call for papers: Reduplication symposium at ICA 2009

Hein van der Voort hvoort at XS4ALL.NL
Sun Aug 31 20:40:43 UTC 2008

Dear colleagues,

Our linguistics symposium on reduplication in Amazonian languages was
accepted by the organization of the 53rd International Congress of
Americanists (ICA) that will take place in Mexico City from 19 to 24 July

Reduplication is a grammatical phenomenon attested in most of the world’s
languages. Currently, there is renewed interest in reduplication in
linguistics. Because the Amazonian languages are usually underrepresented
in the discussion, we have been encouraged to organize a symposium at the
ICA. The text, describing our symposium is copied below and attached as a
PDF file, for your convenience.

We invite you to submit a proposal for a presentation at our symposium.
Your proposal description should not exceed 1500 words. In addition, you
should send us a short abstract of 200 words or less. Submit all
proposals and abstracts as attachments in Word by email to both addresses
given below. Papers may be presented in English, Spanish, or Portuguese.

Additional guidelines for the proposal and the short abstract are the
- Text in Arial or Times New Roman 12 pt. font.
- Title limited to 18 words, centered.
- Indicate your name, institutional affiliation, e-mail address, and
country below the title.

The deadline for your submission to us is 1 November 2008. We will notify
you of acceptance by 15 November 2008 and send further instructions.

All short abstracts will be published in the conference program. After
the congress we plan to edit a special volume with articles on

A registration fee of 150 US Dollars (if registered before 31 December
2008) is required of all participants. Specific information on
registration procedures and deadlines will be on the conference website
( ).

A description of our symposium has not yet been placed on the ICA
website. We have been told that it will be there soon. Please feel free
to get in touch with one of us if you have further questions.

Unfortunately, we cannot offer any financial assistance for participation
in the symposium.

With sincere regards,

Gale Goodwin Gómez
Professor, Department of Anthropology
Rhode Island College, Providence, R.I., U.S.A.
email: ggoodwin at
phone: +1-401-456-9623, fax: +1-401-456-9736

Hein van der Voort
Researcher, Department of Linguistics
Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen, Nijmegen, The Netherlands
email: hvoort at
phone: +31-20-693-4541, fax: +31-24-361-1070
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