Volumes 1 e 2 de BSILA

Hein van der Voort hvoort at XS4ALL.NL
Fri Jul 23 13:58:30 UTC 2010

Prezados colegas,

Recentemente foram publicados em nossa série de 
livros Brill's Studies in the Indigenous 
Languages of the Americas (BSILA, ISSN 1876-5580) 
os dois primeiros volumes. O primeiro volume é 
uma monografia por Kaoru Kiyosawa & Donna Gerdts 
sobre aplicativos nas línguas Salish. O segundo 
volume é uma coleção de artigos sobre línguas da 
América Latina, escritos em homenagem ao prof. 
Willem F.H. Adelaar, organizado por Eithne Carlin 
& Simon van de Kerke. Os volumes podem ser 
adquiridos directamente da editora Brill via o 
website http://www.brill.nl/bsila. Aqui em baixo 
segue informação bibliográfica básica sobre ambos 
volumes e a tabela de conteudo do segundo volume.

Abraços colegiais,
Hein van der Voort

BSILA volume 1
Kaoru Kiyosawa and Donna B. Gerdts. 2010. Salish 
Applicatives. Brill's Studies in the Indigenous 
Languages of the Americas, vol. 1. Leiden & Boston: Brill.
394 pp. ISBN 978 90 04 18393 3

BSILA volume 2
Eithne B. Carlin and Simon van de Kerke (eds.). 
2010. Linguistics and Archaeology in the 
Americas: The Historization of Language and 
Society. Brill's Studies in the Indigenous 
Languages of the Americas, vol. 2. Leiden & Boston: Brill.
276 pp. ISBN 978 90 04 17362 0



Bibliography of Willem F.H. 

part I
historical comparative linguistics of south america

1.   Linguistic Reconstruction of Elements of 
Prehistoric Tupi Culture                                 1
       Aryon Dall’Igna Rodrigues

2.   Problems of Distinguishing Nominal 
Compounding from Syntactic and Noun 
Categorization Devices in Tupi-Guarani 
       Wolf Dietrich

part II
archaeology and linguistics of meso-america and the caribbean

3.   Preposed Phonetic Complements in Maya 
Hieroglyphic Writing                                 27
       Nikolai Grube

4.   Mixtec Cultural Vocabulary and Pictorial 
Writing                                                        45
       Maarten E.R.G.N. Jansen and Gabina Aurora Pérez Jiménez

5.   Unspecified Arguments, Predicates, and 
Events in Nahuatl                                          83
       Michel Launey

6.   The Ever-Dynamic Caribbean: Exploring New 
Approaches to Unraveling Social Networks in the 
Pre Colonial and Early Colonial 
       Corinne L. Hofman and Eithne B. Carlin

part III

7.   ‘Why do they steal our phonemes?’ Inventing 
the Survival of the Cañari Language (Ecuador)    123
       Rosaleen Howard

8.   Lenguas e Ídentidades 
       Xavier Albó

part IV
morphophonology and morphosyntax

9.   Sobre el Morfo Vacío -ni del 

10. The Copula in Ecuadorian 

11. O ‘Caduco’ e o ‘Frustrativo’ nas Línguas 
Baniwa do Içana e Nheengatu (Alto Rio Negro, Brasil)            207
       Gerald Taylor

12. Reflexivity and Reciprocity in Tehuelche and 
Selknam (Chon family)                       215
       Ana Fernández Garay

13. Gender, Noun Class and Language Obsolescence: 
The Case of Paumarí                     235
       Alexandra Y. Aikhenvald

14. Word Prosody and the Distribution of 
Oral/Nasal Contour Consonants in Kaingang   253
       W. Leo Wetzels
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