Nota sobre Etnolinguistica.Org no blog Cyberling

Etnolinguistica.Org (Admin) site at ETNOLINGUISTICA.ORG
Sat Mar 20 19:26:03 UTC 2010

A seguinte nota, sobre a história, objetivos, características e planos de
nosso website, foi recentemente publicada no blog Cyberling a convite de sua
editora, Emily Bender (Univ. of Washington). O "post" original pode ser
acessado no endereço

*Etnolinguistica.Org: a report from South America*

For the past few years, I've been part of a team involved in building an
information hub on indigenous South American languages, a place to create
and gather online resources for both academic researchers and the general
public. The project, Etnolinguistica.Org <>,
started in 2002 as a mailing list. The list quickly evolved into a major
forum for the discussion of research topics on South American languages, the
promotion of events and online resources—in sum, a meeting point for all
those interested in South American linguistics and related areas.

A result of the list's popularity, the website currently comprises more than
700 pages, including conference abstracts, articles, and a comprehensive,
up-to-date library of links to open-access periodicals, news articles, and
other online resources. The project is community-driven, as the list's users
(ranging from experienced scholars to undergraduate students) remain by far
our most important sources. Since 2009, the website also publishes Cadernos
de Etnolingüística <> (ISSN
1946-7095), a peer-reviewed, open-access online journal on South American

Our most popular features, in terms of both hits and community
participation, are our dissertation repository, which currently lists 165
freely-available theses and dissertations (many of which are
author-submitted), and the Curt Nimuendaju Digital
which offers hard-to-find, out-of-print books and articles. Named after a
pioneer of Brazilian ethnography and linguistics, the library includes, in
addition to items digitized by its own volunteer staff or by similar
projects, a number of items donated by interested readers (including authors
or their heirs).

The direct participation of linguists actively involved in the documentation
of South American languages is the main characteristic of
Etnolinguistica.Org, contributing to keep our information relevant and
accurate. To further contextualize the information we provide, we've
recently started a directory of linguists working on South American
indigenous languages <>. Each entry
is an individual page containing basic information on the researcher: name,
institutional affiliation, means of contact (email addresses are duly
protected via ReCaptcha), interest areas, and languages of interest.

The directory is cross-referenced with our ever-growing list of online
resources, in such a way that, by clicking on a given language tag, one
finds not only a list of online materials, but ways of getting directly in
touch with linguists working on that language as well. As a further step
towards that goal, Etnolinguistica.Org will launch a catalogue of South
American languages later this year (for examples, take a look
here <>). That integration
between authors and resources will hopefully ensure a certain measure of
control, by the scientific community, over the quality of the information
being provided.
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