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<TITLE>[etnolinguistica] Fw: associative causative</TITLE>
<DIV id=idOWAReplyText71732 dir=ltr>
<DIV dir=ltr><FONT face=Arial size=2>There is a sociative causative in Quechua
(-wshi- or -ysi-). It indicates 'help or accompany someone doing something'.
Applies </FONT></DIV>
<DIV dir=ltr><FONT face=Arial size=2>mainly to intransitive verbs (but
transitive is not entirely impossible). Quechua dialects also have
applicative constructions. </FONT></DIV><FONT face=Arial size=2></FONT></DIV>
<DIV dir=ltr> </DIV>
<DIV dir=ltr><FONT face=Arial size=2>Willem Adelaar</FONT>
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<DIV dir=ltr><FONT face=Tahoma size=2><B>Van:</B>
etnolinguistica@yahoogrupos.com.br namens DIONEY<BR><B>Verzonden:</B> ma
3-7-2006 15:47<BR><B>Aan:</B> etnolinguistica@yahoogrupos.com.br;
CVL@yahoogroups.com<BR><B>CC:</B> Francoise Rose;
aguillau@ish-lyon.cnrs.fr<BR><B>Onderwerp:</B> [etnolinguistica] Fw: associative
<P><FONT size=2>A pedido de Françoise Rose, encaminho esta mensagem aos
participantes da<BR>Etnolingüística e da CVL.<BR>Abraço cordial a
todos.<BR>Dioney<BR><BR><BR><BR>Dear Colleagues,<BR>In some apparently rare
languages, one of the causative markers is<BR>specialized in indicating that the
causer not only makes the causee do an<BR>action, but also participates in it.
It pertains to a type of causative,<BR>variably called sociative causative
(Shibatani and Pardeshi 2002),<BR>comitative causative (Tupi-Guarani tradition,
Cf. Rodrigues 1953), causative<BR>of involvement (Dixon 2000). This type of
causative function is more<BR>frequently conveyed by a causative morpheme also
coding direct or indirect<BR>causation. We are curious to know more about
languages showing a device to<BR>express sociative causative, and especially
languages displaying a specific<BR>associative causative marker (along other
causative markers), such as below.<BR>Emerillon (Tupi-Guarani, French
Guiana)<BR>(1) pe-lo-polahadj-kom.<BR>2PL-CAUS.SOC-dance-PL.O<BR>You made them
dance with you.<BR>(2) o-elo-kwa ba’eza’u.<BR>3-CAUS.SOC-pass food<BR>She
distributed food (she passes by and have food pass with her).<BR>(3) zawal-enam
ka o-(w)elo-nan.<BR>dog-TOP.SWITCH wasp 3 -CAUS.SOC-run<BR>The dog runs with the
wasps (The dog makes the wasps “run” with him.)<BR>(4) zawal o-elo-’al
tupawəl.<BR>dog 3-CAUS.SOC-fall box<BR>The dog makes the box fall (when falling
himself).<BR>Cavineña (Tacana, Bolivia)<BR>(5) E-ra e-kwe e-bakwa
tawi-kere-ya.<BR>1SG-ERG 1SG-GEN 1-child sleep-CAUS.SOC-IMPFV<BR>I (will) make
my child sleep with me.<BR>(6) E-ra =tu ara-kere-chine torta Don
Francisco.<BR>1SG-ERG =3SG eat-CAUS.SOC-REC.PAST cake Mr. Francisco<BR>I invited
Mr. Francisco to eat a cake with me. (I made Mr F. eat a cake
with<BR>me).<BR><BR>Shibatani & Pardeshi (2002) distinguish 3 semantic types
of sociative<BR>causation :<BR>- joint-action (Mother is making the child
play)<BR>- assistive (Mother is making the child pee)<BR>- supervision (Mother
is making the child read a book)<BR><BR>Depending on the language, sociative
causative may be restricted to<BR>intransitive bases (Tupi-Guarani languages) or
may also apply to transitive<BR>bases (Cavineña).<BR>Sociative causative differs
from the applicative construction, where a<BR>comitative participant is promoted
to an object position, in having a<BR>causative meaning (and probably in the
fact that the causee/object is the<BR>main agent of the action, and the
causer/subject the “comitative”<BR>participant). Indeed, there are languages
which display a distinction<BR>between a comitative applicative and a sociative
causative, as is the case<BR>in Wolof, for example.<BR>There is however in many
languages a formal syncretism between causative and<BR>applicative: Shibatani
& Pardeshi (2002) underline the fact that “in a fair<BR>number of languages,
causative morphemes are associated with the applicative<BR>function of
introducing a comitative, instrumental or benefactive argument.”<BR>To
summarize, whereas applicative markers can not take the sociative<BR>causative
function (but just the comitative one), causative markers may<BR>overlap the
applicative function.<BR>Apart from Tupi/Tupi-Guarani languages, Cavineña and
Wolof, we have read<BR>about specific sociative causative markers in the
Peruvian Pre-Andine Arawak<BR>languages Nomatsiguenga, Amuesha and Piro (Wise
1986: 593-594) and Asheninca<BR>(Payne 2001), as well as in the Equatorian
Barbacoan language Awa Pit<BR>(Timothy Curnow, p.c.), and in Alamblak– Sepik,
New Guinea, (Bruce 1984 :55,<BR>155-156).<BR>Our questions are:<BR>- Do you know
any other language displaying sociative causative?<BR>- Does it have a specific
sociative causative marker?<BR>- What exact meaning does it carry?<BR>- On what
type of verbs is it found? (valence + meaning)<BR>- In this language, how do(es)
the other type(s) of causative function? Is<BR>there any applicative
construction? Is it an “and-language” or a<BR>“with-language” (Stassen
2000)?<BR>Please, send your answers to :<BR><BR>Françoise ROSE, CELIA
(CNRS/IRD), France, rose@vjf.cnrs.fr<BR>& Antoine GUILLAUME, Université
Lyon, France,
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