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Der Newsletter des Etymologie-Portals "www.etymologie.info".<h3>
Etymologie-Newsletter vom 23.10.2005 (kleine Ausgabe)</h3>
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Liebe Etymologie-Amateure (und Profis),
ich begrüße Sie zum neuen Etymologie-Newsletter.<br>
Er enthält:
<li>Fragen und Hinweise</li>
<li>Neue Begriffe und Links auf dem Etymologie-Portal</li>
<li>Neue Begriffe und Links im Link List Labor</li>
<li>Neue Begriffe und Links auf dem Rose-Portal</li>
Beachten Sie bitte die Security-Hinweise auf dem Etymologie-Portal.<br>
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<h3> Fragen und Hinweise ans Etymologie-Portal</h3>
<a href="http://www.etymologie.info/">
(E1)(L1) http://www.etymologie.info/</a><br>
mit Etymologie, Étymologie, Etymology
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<li>Ich habe versucht ein bestimmtes Wort durch seine Herkunft zu verstehen, habe es aber weder im Suchkatalog gefunden, noch eine Ahnung wie ich es finden könnte...<br>
Das Wort heißt: Flitzpiepe - wenn man das so schreibt...für Tipps bin Ich sehr dankbar<br>
Peter Maibach</li>
Die Einträge sind (soweit bearbeitet) unter dem entsprechenden Stichwort zu finden.<br>
Falls jemand weitere Hinweise zu diesen Fragen hat, sind sie herzlich willkommen.
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Zum Beispiel Hinweise zu diesen Fragen oder den mit "-" gekennzeichneten Begriffen in der folgenden Liste.
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<h3> Neue Begriffe im Etymologie-Portal<br>
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<li>a great din (owa)</li>
<li>a wet blanket (owa)</li>
<li>aberrant (ref)</li>
<li>Abkuerzungen von Sprachen (eth.)</li>
<li>Afghan - Language of AE (eth.)</li>
<li>Afghan - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Afghan Farsi - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Afghana-Yi Nasfurush - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Afghana-Yi Siyarui - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Afsar - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Afshar - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Afshari - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Aimaq - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Alasai - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>alexiteric (wsm)</li>
<li>Algophobia (wsm)</li>
<li>Alingar - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>allonym (wsm)</li>
<li>Al-Shihuh - Language of AE (eth.)</li>
<li>ananym (wsm)</li>
<li>Anathema (you)</li>
<li>anonym (wsm)</li>
<li>Antonym (you)</li>
<li>Arabic, Egyptian Spoken - Language of AE (eth.)</li>
<li>Arabic, Gulf Spoken - Language of AE (eth.)</li>
<li>Arabic, Omani Spoken - Language of AE (eth.)</li>
<li>Arabic, Shihhi Spoken - Language of AE (eth.)</li>
<li>Arabic, Standard - Language of AE (eth.)</li>
<li>Arabic, Tajiki Spoken - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Arandui - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Aret - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>aries (owa)</li>
<li>Ascendant (you)</li>
<li>Ascetic (you)</li>
<li>Ashkun - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Ashkund - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Ashkuni - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Ashuruveri - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>atretic (wsm)</li>
<li>Aurora (you)</li>
<li>Austral (you)</li>
<li>autonym (wsm)</li>
<li>Autotomy (wsm)</li>
<li>axiomatic (wsm)</li>
<li>Azargi - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Azerbaijani, South - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Azeri - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Bacavès - Language of AD (eth.)</li>
<li>backronym (wsm)</li>
<li>Balkh Arabic - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Balochi, Southern - Language of AE (eth.)</li>
<li>Balochi, Western - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Baloci - Language of AE (eth.)</li>
<li>Baloci - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Baluchi - Language of AE (eth.)</li>
<li>Baluchi - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Baluci - Language of AE (eth.)</li>
<li>Baluci - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Baraks - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Barbari - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Bargista - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Bartang - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Bartangi - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Bashgali - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Bengali - Language of AE (eth.)</li>
<li>Benjamin (wsm)</li>
<li>Berberi - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>bevy (wsm)</li>
<li>Birahui - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Blandish (you)</li>
<li>bloviate (alp)</li>
<li>Bolaghain - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Brahui - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Brahuiki - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Brandish (you)</li>
<li>Bronx cheer (wsm)</li>
<li>Burgeon (you)</li>
<li>by the short hairs (owa)</li>
<li>cant (ref)</li>
<li>Castilian - Language of AD (eth.)</li>
<li>Català - Language of AD (eth.)</li>
<li>Catalán - Language of AD (eth.)</li>
<li>Catalan-Valencian-Balear - Lang. of AD (eth.)</li>
<li>Central Munji - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Central Prasun - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Cereologist (wsm)</li>
<li>Chagatai - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Chahar-Aimaq - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Chalas - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Char Aimaq - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>charactonym (wsm)</li>
<li>Chilas - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>child prodigy (owa)</li>
<li>Chima-Nishey - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Chinghizi - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Chirography (wsm)</li>
<li>Churi-Wali - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Comprise (you)</li>
<li>Concatenate (you)</li>
<li>Copacetic (you)</li>
<li>covey (wsm)</li>
<li>Cushy (you)</li>
<li>Danish - Language of AE (eth.)</li>
<li>Dari - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Dari - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Darrai Nur - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Darwazi - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Decimate (you)</li>
<li>Djamchidi - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Domari - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Durani - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Dzhemshid - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Eastern Kativiri - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Effulgent (you)</li>
<li>English - Language of AD (eth.)</li>
<li>English - Language of AE (eth.)</li>
<li>Ersari - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Eshkashimi - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Ethnologue Language Code Index (eth.)</li>
<li>Expunge (you)</li>
<li>false friend</li>
<li>Farsi, Eastern - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Farsi, Western - Language of AE (eth.)</li>
<li>fathom out (owa)</li>
<li>fatuous (alp)</li>
<li>fazed (owa)</li>
<li>fervour (owa)</li>
<li>Fiduciary (you)</li>
<li>filemot (wsm)</li>
<li>finance 101 (owa)</li>
<li>Firozkohi - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>fish (alp)</li>
<li>fomites (wsm)</li>
<li>French - Language of AD (eth.)</li>
<li>French - Language of AE (eth.)</li>
<li>fuscous (wsm)</li>
<li>Gawar-Bati - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Gazump (you)</li>
<li>Gelangali - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Georgisch (georgisch)</li>
<li>German, Standard - Language of AE (eth.)</li>
<li>gewgaw (ref)</li>
<li>Ghilzai - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Ghorani - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Ghujulan - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>glaucous (wsm)</li>
<li>godwottery (wsm)</li>
<li>Gojari - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Gojri - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Googol (you)</li>
<li>Gowari - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Gramsukraviri - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Grangali - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Grangali - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Greek - Language of AE (eth.)</li>
<li>gruntle (alp)</li>
<li>Guhjali - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Gujari - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Gujuri Rajasthani - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Gulbahar - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Gulf Arabic - Language of AE (eth.)</li>
<li>hamper (owa)</li>
<li>hamstrung (owa)</li>
<li>Hazara - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Hazaragi - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>he gave me a sermon (owa)</li>
<li>Heath Robinson (wsm)</li>
<li>Herati - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>heuristic (alp)</li>
<li>Hezareh - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Hindi - Language of AE (eth.)</li>
<li>Hoax Number</li>
<li>hocus pocus</li>
<li>Hoosier (township) Clay County</li>
<li>Hoosier (township) Kingman County</li>
<li>hue and cry (owa)</li>
<li>hustings (owa)</li>
<li>Hyponasty (you)</li>
<li>I am loath to do that (owa)</li>
<li>I got a jab (owa)</li>
<li>in limbo (owa)</li>
<li>incarnadine (wsm)</li>
<li>inkling (owa)</li>
<li>Inscrutable (you)</li>
<li>Insurgency (you)</li>
<li>Ischemia (you)</li>
<li>Ishkashim - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Ishkashimi - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Ishkashmi - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Ishpi - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Isken - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Issa - Language of AE (eth.)</li>
<li>Italian - Language of AE (eth.)</li>
<li>Jagatai - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Jakati - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Jamshedi - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Jamshidi - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Japanese - Language of AE (eth.)</li>
<li>Jat - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Jataki - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Jati - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Jatu - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Jocund (you)</li>
<li>Juggernaut (you)</li>
<li>Jumiaki - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>juxtapose (owa)</li>
<li>Kaboli - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Kabuli - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Kalasha-Ala - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Kamdeshi - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Kamik - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Kamviri - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Kamviri - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Kandahar Pashto - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Kandak - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Kanigurami - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Karakalpak - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Karez-I-Mulla - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Kashgar-Yarkand - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Kati - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Kativiri - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Kayani - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Kazakh - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Kazakhi - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Khaliji - Language of AE (eth.)</li>
<li>Khik - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Khorasani - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Khugni - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Kirghiz - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Kirghizi - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Kirgiz - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Kohnadeh - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Kolata - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Konkani, Goanese - Language of AE (eth.)</li>
<li>Kunar - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Kundur - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Kur Galli - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Kurangal - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Kurdar - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Kushani - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>lackadaisical (ref)</li>
<li>laconic (ref)</li>
<li>Laghman - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Laghmani - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Lamertiviri - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Language Code Index (eth.)</li>
<li>Language family index (eth.)</li>
<li>Language name index (eth.)</li>
<li>Languages of Afghanistan (Asia) (eth.)</li>
<li>Languages of Andorra (Europe) (eth.)</li>
<li>Languages of the world (eth.)</li>
<li>Languages of United Arab Emirates (Asia) (eth.)</li>
<li>Laurowan - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Leptodactylous (wsm)</li>
<li>lipogram (wsm)</li>
<li>Liste der Amtssprachen - Georgisch (wikipedia)</li>
<li>Logar - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>looting (owa)</li>
<li>Lorem Ipsum</li>
<li>Lotuni - Language of AE (eth.)</li>
<li>Lower Prasun - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Madison Avenue (wsm)</li>
<li>make a pass (owa)</li>
<li>make amends (owa)</li>
<li>Makrani - Language of AE (eth.)</li>
<li>Malakhel - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Malay - Language of AE (eth.)</li>
<li>Malayalam - Language of AE (eth.)</li>
<li>Maliki - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>malversation (wsm)</li>
<li>Mamalgha Munji - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Mantra (you)</li>
<li>Marriage (you)</li>
<li>Maxwellian (wsm)</li>
<li>Medium (you)</li>
<li>Misandry (you)</li>
<li>Mizmast - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Moghol - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Mogholi - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Mogol - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Mogul - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Mongul - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Mumviri - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Munjani - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Munjhan - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Munji - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Munjiwar - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Musali - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Najil - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Nangalami - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Nangarach - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Narisati - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Narsati - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Nascent (you)</li>
<li>naysayer (owa)</li>
<li>Neologismen-Sammlung (Uni Tuebingen)</li>
<li>Nijrau - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Ningalami - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>no-brainer (owa)</li>
<li>Northeast Karakalpak - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Northeastern Kazakh - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Northern Munji - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Northwestern Pakhto - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Nuristani - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Obviate (you)</li>
<li>Ogle (you)</li>
<li>Oormuri - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>orexigenic (alp)</li>
<li>Ormui - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Ormuri - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Oroshani - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Oroshor - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Oroshori - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Ostentatious (you)</li>
<li>Pachagan - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Pahlavani - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Pakhtoo - Language of AE (eth.)</li>
<li>Pakhtoo - Language of AE (eth.)</li>
<li>Pakhtoo - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Pakhtu - Language of AE (eth.)</li>
<li>Pakhtu - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Paktu - Language of AE (eth.)</li>
<li>Paktu - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>palpable (ref)</li>
<li>Pandau - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>pandemic (alp)</li>
<li>Pandiculation (you)</li>
<li>Panjabi, Eastern - Language of AE (eth.)</li>
<li>Panjabi, Western - Language of AE (eth.)</li>
<li>Panjabi, Western - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Parachi - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Parazhghan - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Parergy (you)</li>
<li>Parsi - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Parsi-Dari - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Parsiwan - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Parun - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Parya - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Pashagar - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Pashai - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Pashayi, Northeast - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Pashayi, Northwest - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Pashayi, Southeast - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Pashayi, Southwest - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Pashto, Northern - Language of AE (eth.)</li>
<li>Pashto, Northern - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Pashto, Southern - Language of AE (eth.)</li>
<li>Pashto, Southern - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Pashtu - Language of AE (eth.)</li>
<li>Passtoo - Language of AE (eth.)</li>
<li>pelf (ref)</li>
<li>Peripatetic (you)</li>
<li>Persian - Language of AE (eth.)</li>
<li>Persian - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Pervious (you)</li>
<li>pet project (owa)</li>
<li>Picaresque (you)</li>
<li>Picayune (you)</li>
<li>Plenipotentiary (you)</li>
<li>podcast (owa)</li>
<li>Polish - Language of AE (eth.)</li>
<li>Portuguese - Language of AD (eth.)</li>
<li>Prasun - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Prasuni - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>presentiment (owa)</li>
<li>Proteanisches Fluchtverhalten</li>
<li>Pumpkin (you)</li>
<li>Pushto - Language of AE (eth.)</li>
<li>Pusto - Language of AE (eth.)</li>
<li>Qandahar Pashto - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Qaraqulpaqs - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Qazaq - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Qazaqi - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Rakhshani - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Raxshani - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Reflex (you)</li>
<li>resilient (owa)</li>
<li>Rhinoplasty (you)</li>
<li>rhinorrhea (wsm)</li>
<li>Robinson Crusoe Island</li>
<li>rookie team (owa)</li>
<li>Roshani - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Rushan - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Rushani - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Saighani - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Salor - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Sanglechi - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Sanglechi-Ishkashimi - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Sanjan - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Saqatri - Language of AE (eth.)</li>
<li>Sariq - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Satre - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Sau - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Sauji - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Savi - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Sawi - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>scaremonger (owa)</li>
<li>School (you)</li>
<li>scrumptious (owa)</li>
<li>sedentary work (owa)</li>
<li>sententious (alp)</li>
<li>Serbian - Language of AE (eth.)</li>
<li>Shamakot - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Shekhani - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Shekhani - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Shekhani - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Shibboleth (you)</li>
<li>Shighni - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Shihhi - Language of AE (eth.)</li>
<li>Shihu - Language of AE (eth.)</li>
<li>Shihuh - Language of AE (eth.)</li>
<li>Shugan - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Shughnani - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Shughni - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Shughni - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Shumasht - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Shumashti - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Shutul - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Shutul - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Sinhala - Language of AE (eth.)</li>
<li>skein (wsm)</li>
<li>skulk (wsm)</li>
<li>Slang-Archive (slyrecords)</li>
<li>slapstick (alp)</li>
<li>sleight of hand (owa)</li>
<li>Slough (you)</li>
<li>Smellfungus (you)</li>
<li>Socotri - Language of AE (eth.)</li>
<li>sodality (wsm)</li>
<li>Sokotri - Language of AE (eth.)</li>
<li>Somali - Language of AE (eth.)</li>
<li>Soqotri - Language of AE (eth.)</li>
<li>sounder (wsm)</li>
<li>Southern Kazakh - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Southern Munji - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Southwest Karakalpak - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Southwestern Pashto - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Spanish - Language of AD (eth.)</li>
<li>speculation is rife (owa)</li>
<li>Sprachen - Abkuerzungen (eth.)</li>
<li>Sprachen in Südgeorgien (linguist)</li>
<li>Sprachen von Afghanistan (Asia) (eth.)</li>
<li>Sprachen von Andorra (Europe) (eth.)</li>
<li>Sprachen von United Arab Emirates (Asia) (eth.)</li>
<li>Squash (you)</li>
<li>styptic (wsm)</li>
<li>Suki - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Suqutri - Language of AE (eth.)</li>
<li>Suruviri - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Svelte (you)</li>
<li>Swahili - Language of AE (eth.)</li>
<li>Swedish - Language of AE (eth.)</li>
<li>Syzygy (you)</li>
<li>Tagalog - Language of AE (eth.)</li>
<li>Tagau - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Taimani - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Taimouri - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Taimuri - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Tajiki - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Tamil - Language of AE (eth.)</li>
<li>Tangshewi - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Tangshuri - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Taranchi - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Tatar - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>taupe (wsm)</li>
<li>Teimuri - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Teke - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Tekke - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Telugu - Language of AE (eth.)</li>
<li>tenderloin (wsm)</li>
<li>Terrorism (you)</li>
<li>Thai - Language of AE (eth.)</li>
<li>that's my prerogative (owa)</li>
<li>the flicks (owa)</li>
<li>Thelyphthoric (you)</li>
<li>thingamajig (owa)</li>
<li>Three-letter codes for languages (eth.)</li>
<li>tickled pink (owa)</li>
<li>Timuri - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Tin Pan Alley (wsm)</li>
<li>Tirahi - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Titin Bajaygul - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Tmesis (you)</li>
<li>Tregami - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Trichology (wsm)</li>
<li>Trigami - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>truck (alp)</li>
<li>Trukmen - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Turdiform (you)</li>
<li>Turkish - Language of AE (eth.)</li>
<li>Turkman - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Turkmen - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Turkoman - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Uighor - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Uighur - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Uiguir - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Upper Wasi-Weri - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Urbane (you)</li>
<li>Urdu - Language of AE (eth.)</li>
<li>Urdu - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Usbeki - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Ushut - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Uyghur - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Uyghuri - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Uzbak - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Uzbek, Southern - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Uzbeki - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Uzbin - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Vakhan - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Varjan - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Vendetta (you)</li>
<li>Verdure (you)</li>
<li>Veron - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Verou - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Veruni - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Vocabularies - Georgia (getty)</li>
<li>votary (ref)</li>
<li>Vulcanian (wsm)</li>
<li>Wadau - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Wai - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Wai-Ala - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Waigala - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Waigali - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Waigalii - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Waigeli - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Wakhani - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Wakhi - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Wakhigi - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Wall Street (wsm)</li>
<li>Wamai - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Wamais - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Wamayi - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Warduji - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Wasi-Veri - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Wegal - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Western Kativiri - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Western Kazakh - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Wighor - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Woerter von heute und morgen (Uni Tuebingen)</li>
<li>Wort des Tages (Uni Leipzig)</li>
<li>Wortwarte - Woerter von heute (Uni Tuebingen)</li>
<li>Wotapuri-Katarqalai - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Xhosa - Language of ZA</li>
<li>Yarkandi - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Yemchidi - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Yomut - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Zainal - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Zamyaki - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Zebak - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Zebaki - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Zemiaki - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Zhonjigali - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Zohri - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
<li>Zuri - Language of AF (eth.)</li>
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<a name="Link List Labor"></a>
<h3> Link List Labor</h3>
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Auch im "Link List Labor" gibt es jede Woche neue Einträge.
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<a name="Rose-Portal"></a>
<h3> Rose-Portal</h3>
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Auch im "Rose-Portal" gibt es jede Woche neue Einträge.
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<a name="Impressum"></a>
<h3> Impressum</h3>
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- ISSN 1610-2320 (10.07.2002) (E-Mail-Version)<br>
- ISSN 1610-3165 (22.07.2002) (Internet-Archiv-Version)<br>
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<a name="Errare"></a>
Errare humanum est, perseverare diabolocum, corrigere divinum!<br>
Irren ist menschlich, am Irrtum festhalten teuflisch, (sich) korrigieren (können) göttlich!<br><br>
Humanum fuit errare, diabolocum est per animasitatem in errore manere.<br>
Menschlich ist es zu irren, teuflisch ist es, leidenschaftlich im Irrtum zu verharren.<br>
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Ende des Newsletters des Etymologie-Portals "www.etymologie.info".
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