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Der Newsletter des Etymologie-Portals "www.etymologie.info".
Etymologie-Newsletter 2009-10-04<br>
mit Begriffen, Links und Literaturempfehlungen</h3>
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Liebe Etymologie-Amateure (und Profis),
ich begrüße Sie zum neuen Etymologie-Newsletter.
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(E1)(L1) http://www.etymologie.info/~e/</a><br>
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<h3> Neue Begriffe im Etymologie-Portal<br>
2009-09-27 - 2009-10-04</h3>
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Diese Woche:<br>
gibt es das Wort des Monats Oktober von Prof. Christoph Gutknecht: "Namensetymologie".<br>
Weiterhin habe ich vor die Wortliste zu "One Word A Day" und "Webopedia" aktualisiert.<br>
Interessant finde ich auch, das frz. "bouchon" = "Pfropfen" mit dt. "Busch" verwandt ist und dass frz. "arracher" = dt. "herausreißen" auf die Bedeutung "entwurzeln" zurückgeht (lat. "radix" = dt. "Wurzel").
<li>.NET (web)</li>
<li>.NET Framework (web)</li>
<li>2-stage shutter release (web)</li>
<li>4-way server (web)</li>
<li>8-way server (web)</li>
<li>a dog and pony act (owa)</li>
<li>a person of colour (owa)</li>
<li>a.k.a. (owa)</li>
<li>Acorn computer (web)</li>
<li>aftermath (owa)</li>
<li>air hanky (owa)</li>
<li>albatross (owa)</li>
<li>Amaranthus bouchonii</li>
<li>Amerika auf einen Blick (amerika-auf-)</li>
<li>ampersand (owa)</li>
<li>aplomb (owa)</li>
<li>APNIC - Asia Pacific Network Information Centre</li>
<li>apple of my eye (owa)</li>
<li>Arens - Mathematik</li>
<li>armchair reasoning (owa)</li>
<li>artisan (owa)</li>
<li>ASEAN - Association of South East Asian Nations</li>
<li>aspect-oriented programming (web)</li>
<li>aspect-oriented software development (web)</li>
<li>asterisk (owa)</li>
<li>Atlas der wahren Namen - Hormes</li>
<li>Atlas des Champignons (atlas-des-champignons)</li>
<li>ATM (owa)</li>
<li>attenuate (owa)</li>
<li>Aukaans-Nederlands Woordenboek (sil)</li>
<li>badger (owa)</li>
<li>bailout (owa)</li>
<li>barter (owa)</li>
<li>bean counter (owa)</li>
<li>beat around the bush (owa)</li>
<li>bedlam (owa)</li>
<li>Bedrohte Tierarten in Europa (euronatur)</li>
<li>bellwether (owa)</li>
<li>bickering (owa)</li>
<li>biometric engine (web)</li>
<li>biometric sample (web)</li>
<li>biometrics (web)</li>
<li>black swan event (owa)</li>
<li>blooming (web)</li>
<li>blooper (owa)</li>
<li>blunder (owa)</li>
<li>blurb (owa)</li>
<li>boffin (owa)</li>
<li>bogey man (owa)</li>
<li>bonanza (owa)</li>
<li>bonanza (owa)</li>
<li>Bouchon Charentais</li>
<li>Bouchon lyonnais</li>
<li>Bouchons Amarant</li>
<li>bribe (owa)</li>
<li>broach a subject (owa)</li>
<li>brown-bag lunch (owa)</li>
<li>brownfield (owa)</li>
<li>busman's holiday (owa)</li>
<li>butt (owa)</li>
<li>Cakewalk Application Language (web)</li>
<li>calamity (owa)</li>
<li>canny person (owa)</li>
<li>caught red handed (owa)</li>
<li>caveat (owa)</li>
<li>cellphone novel (web)</li>
<li>cheat sheet (owa)</li>
<li>chew the fat (owa)</li>
<li>chicken feed (owa)</li>
<li>chicken-feed (owa)</li>
<li>chinwag (owa)</li>
<li>chutzpah (owa)</li>
<li>citizen journalism (web)</li>
<li>clairvoyant (owa)</li>
<li>clean slate (owa)</li>
<li>cloak and dagger (owa)</li>
<li>closed shop (owa)</li>
<li>cloud cuckoo land (owa)</li>
<li>COE - Council of Europe</li>
<li>coffer (owa)</li>
<li>coffer (owa)</li>
<li>complacency (owa)</li>
<li>computer buff (owa)</li>
<li>condone (owa)</li>
<li>Country Profiles (asiasociety)</li>
<li>covet (owa)</li>
<li>crosshairs (owa)</li>
<li>crowdsourcing (web)</li>
<li>CRRS - Center for Reformation and Renaissance Studies</li>
<li>crunch time (owa)</li>
<li>cubbyhole (owa)</li>
<li>CYA (owa)</li>
<li>cyberculture (web)</li>
<li>cyberjockey (web)</li>
<li>cybermediary (web)</li>
<li>cybernetics (web)</li>
<li>daft (owa)</li>
<li>danegeld (owa)</li>
<li>decoy (owa)</li>
<li>deep dialing (web)</li>
<li>Defrag (web)</li>
<li>demise (owa)</li>
<li>Der Fischer Weltalmanach 2010 - Fischer</li>
<li>Deutschland in etymologischen Karten - Hormes</li>
<li>Deutschland in Karten (nationalatlas)</li>
<li>Device Software Optimization (web)</li>
<li>Die historischen Ereignisse der Welt in Karten - Hattstein</li>
<li>Die Welt in etymologischen Karten - Hormes</li>
<li>diehard (owa)</li>
<li>docile (owa)</li>
<li>dogsbody (owa)</li>
<li>doldrums (owa)</li>
<li>Don't get your knickers in a twist! (owa)</li>
<li>doodle (owa)</li>
<li>doofus (owa)</li>
<li>dotty (owa)</li>
<li>double talk (owa)</li>
<li>down and out (owa)</li>
<li>dressed to kill (owa)</li>
<li>dry run (owa)</li>
<li>dumbbell (owa)</li>
<li>dunce (owa)</li>
<li>DWD (owa)</li>
<li>earbuds (owa)</li>
<li>early adopter (web)</li>
<li>EC - Eurepean Commission</li>
<li>ECB - European Central Bank</li>
<li>effing nuisance (owa)</li>
<li>Englishtown, CA, NS</li>
<li>Englishtown, US, NJ</li>
<li>ensconced (owa)</li>
<li>EP - European Parliament</li>
<li>EPA - Europäisches Patentamt</li>
<li>EPO - European Patent Office</li>
<li>erudite (owa)</li>
<li>estranged (owa)</li>
<li>EU - European Union</li>
<li>EU-Informationen (politicalresources)</li>
<li>Europa in etymologischen Karten - Hormes</li>
<li>Europäische Bibliothek (theeuropeanlibrary)</li>
<li>Europa-Wahl-Hilfe (wahl-o-mat)</li>
<li>European Flag</li>
<li>European Library (theeuropeanlibrary)</li>
<li>European Manufacturers (thomasglobal)</li>
<li>European museums (euromuse)</li>
<li>event handler (web)</li>
<li>exposure meter (web)</li>
<li>Expressions & Sayings (tinyonline)</li>
<li>extraction (web)</li>
<li>eyesore (owa)</li>
<li>face the music (owa)</li>
<li>farce (owa)</li>
<li>fastidious (owa)</li>
<li>feel the pinch (owa)</li>
<li>filibuster (owa)</li>
<li>fire sale (owa)</li>
<li>first water (owa)</li>
<li>Fischer - Der Fischer Weltalmanach 2010</li>
<li>flabbergasted (owa)</li>
<li>fleece (owa)</li>
<li>flotsam (owa)</li>
<li>flux (owa)</li>
<li>for your perusal (owa)</li>
<li>forty winks (owa)</li>
<li>Freecycle (web)</li>
<li>freegan (owa)</li>
<li>freshman (owa)</li>
<li>fringe benefits (owa)</li>
<li>fuss (owa)</li>
<li>fusspot (owa)</li>
<li>gagging order (owa)</li>
<li>gentrification (owa)</li>
<li>germane (owa)</li>
<li>Germany in Maps (nationalatlas)</li>
<li>ghost call (owa)</li>
<li>give him a warm hand (owa)</li>
<li>give it a whirl (owa)</li>
<li>give no quarter (owa)</li>
<li>glean (owa)</li>
<li>glee (owa)</li>
<li>glitch (owa)</li>
<li>go Dutch (owa)</li>
<li>go through the motions (owa)</li>
<li>gobbledygook (owa)</li>
<li>Godspeed (owa)</li>
<li>golden parachute (owa)</li>
<li>Google blips (web)</li>
<li>googol (owa)</li>
<li>grapevine (owa)</li>
<li>greenback (owa)</li>
<li>groundbreaking (owa)</li>
<li>Handbuch Rosen - Mader</li>
<li>haphazard (owa)</li>
<li>Hattstein - Die historischen Ereignisse der Welt in Karten</li>
<li>Hattstein - Historica</li>
<li>hawk (owa)</li>
<li>he answered facetiously (owa)</li>
<li>He got a rocket! (owa)</li>
<li>He had egg on his face (owa)</li>
<li>he is at my beck and call (owa)</li>
<li>He looks woebegone (owa)</li>
<li>He said it tongue-in-cheek (owa)</li>
<li>Heraldik (heraldik-heraldry)</li>
<li>Heraldry (heraldik-heraldry)</li>
<li>He's at the gym (owa)</li>
<li>He's been mollycoddled (owa)</li>
<li>He's burning the candle at both ends (owa)</li>
<li>he's still at large (owa)</li>
<li>heyday (owa)</li>
<li>Historica - Hattstein</li>
<li>hoax (owa)</li>
<li>hobnob (owa)</li>
<li>hobo (owa)</li>
<li>ho-hum (owa)</li>
<li>Hormes - Atlas der wahren Namen</li>
<li>Hormes - Deutschland in etymologischen Karten</li>
<li>Hormes - Die Welt in etymologischen Karten</li>
<li>Hormes - Europa in etymologischen Karten</li>
<li>hotshot (owa)</li>
<li>household name (owa)</li>
<li>How come? (owa)</li>
<li>hunky dory (owa)</li>
<li>hybrid routing protocol (web)</li>
<li>I don't mean to pry (owa)</li>
<li>I got it for a song (owa)</li>
<li>I have a monkey on my back (owa)</li>
<li>I was aghast (owa)</li>
<li>I was flabbergasted! (owa)</li>
<li>I was nonplussed (owa)</li>
<li>id10t error (web)</li>
<li>identification (web)</li>
<li>IEG - Institut für europäische Geschichte</li>
<li>IfD - Institut für Demoskopie</li>
<li>iffy (owa)</li>
<li>I'm in a bind (owa)</li>
<li>in a muddle (owa)</li>
<li>in the pink (owa)</li>
<li>indexed color (web)</li>
<li>infinity (web)</li>
<li>inkling (owa)</li>
<li>insidious (owa)</li>
<li>Internet-Monitor (heise)</li>
<li>Interrail-Informationen (interrailers)</li>
<li>ironclad (owa)</li>
<li>it was touch and go (owa)</li>
<li>it's a piece of cake (owa)</li>
<li>It's not over till the fat lady sings (owa)</li>
<li>jailbreak (owa)</li>
<li>jinx (owa)</li>
<li>jocular (owa)</li>
<li>John Doe (owa)</li>
<li>Journées de Rois</li>
<li>junket (owa)</li>
<li>kangaroo court (owa)</li>
<li>knock-on effect (owa)</li>
<li>kudos (owa)</li>
<li>La sphère de parenté (espace-sciences)</li>
<li>L'Allemagne en cartes (nationalatlas)</li>
<li>lamer (web)</li>
<li>lampoon (owa)</li>
<li>languish (owa)</li>
<li>Larrabee (web)</li>
<li>lawsuit (owa)</li>
<li>lax (owa)</li>
<li>learn the ropes (owa)</li>
<li>left justify (web)</li>
<li>legacy device (web)</li>
<li>lens (web)</li>
<li>Lent (owa)</li>
<li>Let's call a truce (owa)</li>
<li>let's mull it over (owa)</li>
<li>L'histoire de la vie (espace-sciences)</li>
<li>LLDP (web)</li>
<li>long johns (owa)</li>
<li>loo (owa)</li>
<li>loopback address (web)</li>
<li>loss leader (owa)</li>
<li>loupe (web)</li>
<li>lowbrow (owa)</li>
<li>lukewarm reception (owa)</li>
<li>lullaby (owa)</li>
<li>Mader - Handbuch Rosen</li>
<li>malady (owa)</li>
<li>malinger (owa)</li>
<li>Mathematik - Arens</li>
<li>MegaTransfer (web)</li>
<li>meme (owa)</li>
<li>merit (owa)</li>
<li>meticulous (owa)</li>
<li>mirth (owa)</li>
<li>mock-up (owa)</li>
<li>Modula-2 (web)</li>
<li>money galore (owa)</li>
<li>moonlighting (owa)</li>
<li>muddle through (owa)</li>
<li>mullet (owa)</li>
<li>Museen in Europa (euromuse)</li>
<li>muzak (owa)</li>
<li>my in-laws (owa)</li>
<li>myopia (owa)</li>
<li>nab (owa)</li>
<li>namby-pamby (owa)</li>
<li>Nationalatlas aktuell (nationalatlas)</li>
<li>nifty (owa)</li>
<li>nifty (owa)</li>
<li>nitty gritty (owa)</li>
<li>not invented here syndrome (web)</li>
<li>nothing to write home about (owa)</li>
<li>obese (owa)</li>
<li>OD (owa)</li>
<li>on a par with (owa)</li>
<li>on the ropes (owa)</li>
<li>one-liner (owa)</li>
<li>outfox (owa)</li>
<li>oxymoron (owa)</li>
<li>pack a wallop (owa)</li>
<li>pagan (owa)</li>
<li>pain in the neck (owa)</li>
<li>pander (owa)</li>
<li>party pooper (owa)</li>
<li>pay lip service (owa)</li>
<li>pecking order (owa)</li>
<li>perfect storm (owa)</li>
<li>perk (owa)</li>
<li>perspire (owa)</li>
<li>pettifogger (owa)</li>
<li>phony (owa)</li>
<li>pick a lock (owa)</li>
<li>play footsie (owa)</li>
<li>pledge (owa)</li>
<li>po-faced (owa)</li>
<li>ponder (owa)</li>
<li>poppycock (owa)</li>
<li>portmanteau (owa)</li>
<li>posh (owa)</li>
<li>prankster (owa)</li>
<li>presentiment (owa)</li>
<li>prevaricate (owa)</li>
<li>proffer (owa)</li>
<li>p's and q's (owa)</li>
<li>quirk (owa)</li>
<li>quorum (owa)</li>
<li>RAT (web)</li>
<li>reciprocal link (web)</li>
<li>red herring (owa)</li>
<li>red tape (owa)</li>
<li>red-letter day (owa)</li>
<li>RFID (owa)</li>
<li>riser card (web)</li>
<li>rocket salad (owa)</li>
<li>roger (owa)</li>
<li>Rube Goldberg (owa)</li>
<li>ruffled feathers (owa)</li>
<li>rumour (owa)</li>
<li>salad days (owa)</li>
<li>savvy (owa)</li>
<li>scam (owa)</li>
<li>scapegoat (owa)</li>
<li>scrappage (owa)</li>
<li>screenplay (owa)</li>
<li>sea change (owa)</li>
<li>Second Lifer (owa)</li>
<li>shaggy dog story (owa)</li>
<li>she was piqued (owa)</li>
<li>She's in the family way (owa)</li>
<li>shipshape (owa)</li>
<li>shirker (owa)</li>
<li>siblings (owa)</li>
<li>sitcom (owa)</li>
<li>slander (owa)</li>
<li>slow coach (owa)</li>
<li>smarmy (owa)</li>
<li>snogging (owa)</li>
<li>sophomore (owa)</li>
<li>sounding board (owa)</li>
<li>spending spree (owa)</li>
<li>spouse (owa)</li>
<li>Sranan-Nederlands Woordenboek (sil)</li>
<li>stag night (owa)</li>
<li>start from scratch (owa)</li>
<li>Statistik-Portal (statistikportal)</li>
<li>stool pigeon (owa)</li>
<li>subscriber identity module (web)</li>
<li>Südamerikareise (thpf)</li>
<li>Sun xVM (web)</li>
<li>super-speed Internet (web)</li>
<li>take pot luck (owa)</li>
<li>tell a fib (owa)</li>
<li>TEOTWAWKI (owa)</li>
<li>that was a fluke (owa)</li>
<li>the big apple (owa)</li>
<li>the big apple (owa)</li>
<li>the kitty (owa)</li>
<li>the whole enchilada (owa)</li>
<li>they are going to renege (owa)</li>
<li>they had a row (owa)</li>
<li>they scoffed at him (owa)</li>
<li>they tied the knot (owa)</li>
<li>they were at loggerheads (owa)</li>
<li>third degree (owa)</li>
<li>thwart (owa)</li>
<li>tickled pink (owa)</li>
<li>tidbit (owa)</li>
<li>tiff (owa)</li>
<li>tipping point (owa)</li>
<li>TLC (owa)</li>
<li>toddler (owa)</li>
<li>toehold (owa)</li>
<li>TrackBack (web)</li>
<li>travesty of justice (owa)</li>
<li>tryst (owa)</li>
<li>TTFN (owa)</li>
<li>tuxedo (owa)</li>
<li>twittering (owa)</li>
<li>two-horse race (owa)</li>
<li>tycoon (owa)</li>
<li>ubiquitous (owa)</li>
<li>ubiquitous (owa)</li>
<li>uDAPL (web)</li>
<li>UDDI (web)</li>
<li>UGC (web)</li>
<li>under the tutelage of (owa)</li>
<li>understudy (owa)</li>
<li>up in arms (owa)</li>
<li>vault (owa)</li>
<li>velcro (owa)</li>
<li>Verzeichnis Mittel-Amerika (wissenschaftliche-suchmaschinen)</li>
<li>Verzeichnis Nord-Amerika (wissenschaftliche-suchmaschinen)</li>
<li>Verzeichnis Süd-Amerika (wissenschaftliche-suchmaschinen)</li>
<li>vex (owa)</li>
<li>virtual tour (web)</li>
<li>walking on eggshells (owa)</li>
<li>wary (owa)</li>
<li>wassail (owa)</li>
<li>wear one's heart on one's sleeve (owa)</li>
<li>Web farm (web)</li>
<li>Web morality (web)</li>
<li>Web Scraping (web)</li>
<li>wet one's whistle (owa)</li>
<li>whatchamacallit (owa)</li>
<li>white-knuckle (owa)</li>
<li>whiteout (owa)</li>
<li>widow's peak (owa)</li>
<li>WiMAX USB dongle (web)</li>
<li>wing it (owa)</li>
<li>witty (owa)</li>
<li>woe betide us if? (owa)</li>
<li>XYZ (owa)</li>
<li>yellow belly (owa)</li>
<li>You can take it as read (owa)</li>
<li>you're pulling my leg (owa)</li>
<li>zany (owa)</li>
<li>zealot (owa)</li>
<li>zoned-bit recording (web)</li>
<li>zoom lens (web)</li>
<li>zoom ring (web)</li>
<li>ZOUT (web)</li>
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<a name="Etymologie-Forum"></a>
<h3> Etymologie-Forum</h3>
<a href="http://www.forumromanum.de/">
(E1)(L1) http://www.forumromanum.de/</a><br>
<a href="http://etymologie-forum.isthier.de/">
(E1)(L1) http://etymologie-forum.isthier.de/</a><br>
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<h3> Etymologie-Mailingliste - Beitrag senden</h3>
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<a name="Link List Labor"></a>
<h3> Link List Labor</h3>
<a href="http://www.linklistlabor.info/~l/">
(E5)(L1) http://www.linklistlabor.info/~l/</a><br>
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<a name="Rose-Portal"></a>
<h3> Rose-Portal</h3>
<a href="http://www.rose-rosen-roses.info/~r/">
(E3)(L1) http://www.rose-rosen-roses.info/~r/</a><br>
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<a name="Impressum"></a>
<h3> Impressum</h3>
<table border="1">
<tr><td>ISSN<br>International Standard Serial Number</td><td>
- ISSN 1610-2320 (2002-07-10) (E-Mail-Version)<br>
- ISSN 1610-3165 (2002-07-22) (Internet-Archiv-Version)<br>
<a href="http://www.d-nb.de/" target="_blank">Die Deutsche Nationalbibliothek</a><br>
<tr><td>Herausgeber<br>Postanschrift</td><td>Horst Conrad<br>Kneippstr.6<br>D-66482 Zweibrücken</td></tr>
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<a name="Errare"></a>
<a href="http://www.tantalosz.de/latinum/e.php">
(E?)(L?) http://www.tantalosz.de/latinum/e.php</a><br>
Errare humanum est, perseverare diabolicum, corrigere divinum!<br>
Irren ist menschlich, am Irrtum festhalten teuflisch, (sich) korrigieren (können) göttlich!
<a href="http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Errare_humanum_est,_perseverare_diabolicum">
(E?)(L?) http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Errare_humanum_est,_perseverare_diabolicum</a><br>
Humanum fuit errare, diabolicum est per animositatem in errore manere.<br>
(Aurelius Augustinus, 353-430 n. Chr., Bischof von Hippo in Nordafrika) Sermons (164, 14)<br>
Menschlich ist es zu irren, teuflisch ist es, leidenschaftlich im Irrtum zu verharren.
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