Windows concordancer -- beta test version

Michael Barlow barlow at RUF.RICE.EDU
Sat Feb 17 22:21:20 UTC 1996

I have been working on a Windows concordance program (MonoConc for
Windows), which I hope will be used by language teachers and students.
MfW is designed to be easy to use, but powerful enough for useful
text-analysis investigations. Before releasing the commercial version, I'd
like to have the program tested on a variety of systems.

The program has the following basic features:

        multiple files (several million words) can be loaded as a corpus
        files can be added to or deleted from the corpus
        searching by word or phrase (using wild cards *, ?, %)
        "append search" -- results from different searches can be accumulated
        set of word delimiters can be customised
        sorting -- (2L (second left), 1L, 1R, 2R, searchword, text order)
        deletion of concordance lines
        frequency of collocates (2L, 1L, 1R, 2R)
        total frequency of words in the corpus
        save/print options

If you would like to try out a beta version, send me a note. I can
either mail a disk or email you a zipped file.

Michael Barlow (barlow at
Dept of Linguistics     Home page:
Rice University         Athelstan:

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