Cognitive Linguistics Conference 1997 -- Call for Theme Session Proposals

ICLC'97 Local Organizers iclc97 at WIM.LET.VU.NL
Fri May 24 20:32:20 UTC 1996


                         July 14 - 19, 1997

                       First Announcement and
                  Call for Theme Session Proposals

The 1997 conference of the International Cognitive Linguistics Association
will take place on the campus of the Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam, The
Netherlands. The conference has been scheduled to immediately precede the
International Congress of Linguists in Paris.

Conference topics include: structural characteristics of natural language
categorization (such as prototypicality, metaphor, mental imagery, and
cognitive models), the functional principles of linguistic organization
(such as iconicity and naturalness), the conceptual interface between
syntax and semantics, the experiential and pragmatic background of
language-in-use, and the relationship between language and thought.

Presentation formats will include invited plenary talks and thematically
grouped paper sessions; in addition, the 1997 conference will introduce
theme sessions and poster sessions. We are now soliciting proposals for
theme sessions, to be submitted to the address below (preferably by email)
by July 1, 1996. The accepted theme sessions and a preliminary list of
invited plenary speakers will be publicized around September 1, 1996,
along with the call for paper and poster abstracts.

Theme sessions provide the opportunity to focus on a particular problem or
question. They can take the form of a discussion forum, workshop, or data
session. The organizer takes the responsibility for selecting and
coordinating the contributions and choosing a suitable format. Individual
presentations should be kept short in favor of substantial discussion
time. Proposals for theme sessions should include a brief description of
the topic and its relevance, and the intended format (nature and timing of
the contributions). It might be advisable for organizers to ascertain
cooperation from some prospective participants and list their names and
contributions in the proposal; however, submissions which leave some room
for additional participants (to be approved by the organizer) are
particularly encouraged.

Theme session organizers must be (or become) members of the International
Cognitive Linguistics Association (ICLA).


July 1, 1996     proposals for theme sessions due
Sept. 1, 1996    notification of acceptance/rejection of theme-
                 sessions; call for poster and paper abstracts
Nov. 15, 1996    abstracts for papers and posters due
Feb. 15, 1997    notification of acceptance/rejection of papers and posters


Theo Janssen (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, chair)
Gisela Redeker (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, secretary)
Ad Foolen (Nijmegen University)
Ton Goeman (Koninklijke Akademie van Wetenschappen, Amsterdam)
Frederike van der Leek (University of Amsterdam)
Fons Moerdijk (Instituut voor Nederlandse Lexicologie, Leyden)
Wilbert Spooren (Tilburg University)
Arie Verhagen (Utrecht University)
Marjolijn Verspoor (Groningen University)


ICLC'97 (Th. Janssen / G. Redeker)
Faculteit der Letteren
Vrije Universiteit
De Boelelaan 1105
NL-1081 HV Amsterdam
The Netherlands

email: iclc97 at
fax:   +31-20-4446500


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