University of Oregon: Possible descriptive or psycholinguist

Doris Payne dlpayne at OREGON.UOREGON.EDU
Sun Nov 3 23:28:18 UTC 1996

                        UNIVERSITY OF OREGON

The Department of Linguistics at the University of Oregon announces that
a regular tenure-line position may become available, pending budgetary
approval, beginning Fall 1997.  The position is advertised at the
Assistant or early Associate Professor level.  Salary will be dependent
on qualifications and experience.

We invite applications from qualified individuals in empirical
descriptive linguistics or psycholinguistics.  Candidates must have
completed the Ph.D. degree by the time of appointment.  An excellent
record of research and publication is a must, as well as evidence of
excellence in classroom teaching.

Relative to empirical descriptive linguistics, we seek a candidate with
strong grounding in the functional approach to morphosyntax and
discourse, field work with non-European languages, and cross-linguistic
grammatical typology.

Relative to psycholinguistics, we seek a candidate with strong grounding
in functional approaches to grammar and discourse, experimental cognitive
psychology, cognitive science, empirical quantitative methods
(experimental, text-based, etc.), and language processing.

The successful candidate in either area will, in his or her work, be able
to contribute to several foci within the Department.  We enjoy a long
tradition of work within the functionalist and typological tradition,
with major concentrations in descriptive field work, experimental
linguistics, second language acquisition and teaching, and cognitive science.

Please submit a letter of application which includes a statement of
research interests, vitae, sample publications, and have three letters of
reference sent to:

        Search Committee
        Department of Linguistics
        University of Oregon
        Eugene, Oregon  97403

Review of applications will begin on January 6, 1997, and will continue
until position is filled.

For more information consult our web site at, or
contact Doris Payne, Chair (dlpayne at

The University of Oregon is an equal opportunity, affirmative action
institution committed to cultural diversity and compliance with the
Americans with Disabilities Act.

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