
Dick Hudson dick at LINGUISTICS.UCL.AC.UK
Thu Dec 11 20:30:00 UTC 1997

I've been asked to post this to the Funknet list.


8-10 September 1998, University of Luton, England

                  First Circular and Call for Papers

The Second Relevance Theory Workshop aims to bring together those
interested in cognitive approaches to communication, in particular
(but not exclusively) Relevance Theory. The Workshop will feature
refereed and invited papers, including a keynote address by Professor
Deirdre Wilson.

Contributions are invited for papers on the following topics:

(1) non-truth-conditional meaning;
(2) conceptual and procedural encoding;
(3) metarepresentation and interpretive use;
(4) the nature of and relation between the distinctions:
      semantics/pragmatics and explicature/implicature;
(5) critiques of Relevance Theory;
(6) any other topic dealt with from a relevance theoretic perspective
      or which has some bearing on Relevance Theory.

Papers on topics (1) - (5) will be presented in special topic panels
and should be 20 minutes long at most. Other papers will be presented
in a general session and will be allocated 40 minutes for
presentation and discussion (either 20 + 20, or 30 +10).
Complete papers will be distributed in advance of the Workshop in
order to increase the chances for useful feedback.

In order to distribute proceedings in advance, full-length papers are
invited rather than the more usual abstracts. Papers may take the
form of pre-publication drafts, and should be a MAXIMUM of 6 pages in
length, including references and a short (ten line) abstract.

Manuscripts should be typed (12 point font), single-spaced, with 1
inch (2.5 cm) margins on all sides, and NO page numbering.

THREE copies of the manuscript should be submitted, one with the
author's name and two anonymously.

Please also include the following information on a seperate sheet:
name, address (postal and email if available), affiliation, title of
paper, the topic to which your paper relates (see (1) - (6)  above),
and a contact telephone number.

Manuscripts should be submitted to:

   Dr. Steve Nicolle,
   Middlesex University,
   Trent Park,
   Bramley Road,
   London N14 4YZ,

Contributors will be informed of the status of their paper by the end
of  May 1998.

Registration forms will be included in the second circular (early

The Second Relevance Theory Workshop is scheduled to take place
immediately prior to the Autumn 1998 Meeting of the Linguistics
Association of Great Britain (10-12 September 1998, also at the
University of Luton). The LAGB Meeting features a keynote address by
Professor Dan Sperber and a workshop on experimental pragmatics.
Luton is easily accessible from London and has its own international
Conference fees for the Relevance Theory Workshop (including meals)
will be approx. 40 pounds stirling. Accommodation (including
breakfast) will be approx. 25 pounds stirling per night.

For further details, please contact Steve Nicolle at the above
address or email: s.nicolle at

Richard (=Dick) Hudson
Department of Phonetics and Linguistics,
University College London,
Gower Street,
London WC1E 6BT
work phone: +171 419 3152; work fax: +171 383 4108
email: dick at
  home page =
  unpublished papers available by ftp =

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