call for papers, ALT

Edith A Moravcsik edith at CSD.UWM.EDU
Sat Jan 18 20:09:49 UTC 1997

                       ALT II - CALL FOR PAPERS

Abstract are being invited for the second meeting of the
Association for Linguistic Typology (ALT II), to be held at the
University of Oregon, Eugene, from September 11 to September 14, 1997
(Thursday through Sunday).

Given that this will be the first meeting of ALT in the US, the
membership requirement for presenters has been waived. Please feel free
to send in an abstract regardless of whether you are a member of
ALT or not.

Please direct SIX copies of a one-page abstract to the chair
of the program committee, Prof. Masayoshi Shibatani (address below),
to reach him no later than MARCH 1, 1997. A second page (six copies) may
be attached to the abstract listing data. E-mail submissions are
also accepted. The program committee will, by May 1, 1997, convey
its decision to those submitting abstracts.

Each abstract should include the author's (or authors') name and
mailing address (just one mailing address for
multiple authors) including telephone, fax, and e-mail address
as available. Each abstract should specify the amount of time
requested for the presentation, including discussion, which may
be 30, 45, or 60 minutes. You may also submit abstracts for
symposia, in which case give the names of participants
and the amount of time requested (which may, of course, exceed
60 minutes).

Address for mailing abstracts:
Masayoshi Shibatani
Faculty of Letters, Kobe University
1-1, Rokkodai-cho, Nada-ku
Kobe 657, Japan

E-mail: matt at

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