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harder at COCO.IHI.KU.DK harder at COCO.IHI.KU.DK
Wed Nov 19 14:08:07 UTC 1997

>Date: Wed, 19 Nov 1997 14:05:48 +0100 (MET)
>From: Nina Gronnum <ng at>
>X-Sender: ng at rask
>To: harder at
>Kære Peter - vil du være sød at viderebefordre nedenstående til FUNKNET?
>tak, nina
>Faculty of Humanities,
>University of Copenhagen
>invites applications for a
>at the Department of General and Applied Linguistics to be
>filled by August 1st, 1998 or as soon as possible.
>Applicants must be able to document excellent contributions to
>linguistic theory and empirical research in one or several
>languages, including a typological perspective.  Furthermore,
>applicants must be prepared to undertake teaching and
>supervision, especially within the field of general
>linguistics.  Applicants must have experience in research
>supervision and collaborative research and will be expected to
>assume a role in the everyday life of the Department, also
>with respect to administrative duties.
>Since the successful applicant must be able to participate in
>all departmental and Faculty activities, including examination
>and administration, it is required that if he or she is
>without previous knowledge of Danish, he or she must acquire
>adequate knowledge of the language within two years at most, a
>condition of permanent appointment.
>Applications must include full information and documentation
>of the applicant's scholarly qualifications and teaching
>experience.  Applications should include a full list of
>publications and should specify which publications the
>applicant wishes to be taken into account in the evaluation of
>his or her scholarly, teaching and other qualifications.
>Three copies of these publications should be included in the
>application.  Material in electronic form - such as discs - is
>not accepted.
>The appointment committee is only required to take the
>specified research material into account to the extent that it
>is necessary to make an assessment of the applicant's
>qualifications and it may also consider research material
>which has not been specified.  In such cases the applicant
>will be notified.
>The names of the members of the appointment committee will be
>sent to the applicants.  The complete recommendation made by
>the committee will be sent to all the applicants.  Information
>on other applicants must be treated confidentially.
>The professorship is a tenured position under the Ministry of
>Education.  The annual salary is approximately 430.000 DKK
>after contribution to the pension scheme.
>Further information about the position may be obtained from
>Esther Glahn, Director of the Department of General and
>Applied Linguistics, tel. +45 35 32 86 41, fax +45 35 32 86
>Applications should be addressed to the Rector of the
>University of Copenhagen with reference to 401-211-
>21/97-4226 and sent to the Humanities Faculty, Njalsgade 80,
>DK-2300  Copenhagen S, Denmark, so that they reach the Faculty
>no later than January 15th, 1998 at noon.
>Nina Groennum
>Institute of General and Applied Linguistics
>University of Copenhagen

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