(fwd) 8th Annual Meeting of the Society for Text and Discourse

Spike Gildea spikeg at OWLNET.RICE.EDU
Fri Nov 21 20:16:19 UTC 1997

>>From "Rachel R. W. Robertson" <rrrobert at facstaff.wisc.edu>
Subject: 8th Annual Meeting of the Society for Text and Discourse

Call for Proposals

Eighth Annual Meeting of the Society for Text and Discourse
(co-sponsor: University of Wisconsin - Madison)

Wednesday through Friday, July 29 - 31, 1998

The Edgewater Hotel
(near the University of Wisconsin - Madison campus)

*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *

We are pleased to announce the Eighth Annual Meeting of the Society for
Text and Discourse.  The Society for Text and Discourse is an international
society of researchers who investigate all aspects of discourse processing
and text analysis. (See our web site:
http://www.psyc.memphis.edu/ST&D/ST&D.htm.) The purpose of the Society is
to consolidate research in discourse processing and to enhance
communication among researchers in different disciplines. Therefore, we
invite scholars from various disciplines (e.g., psychology, linguistics,
artificial intelligence, education, sociology, anthropology,
communications, and philosophy) to attend and participate in the Eighth
Annual Meeting of the Society for Text and Discourse.

The Eighth Annual Meeting of the Society for Text and Discourse will be
held the two days preceding the annual meeting of the Cognitive Science
Society (which is being hosted by the University of Wisconsin - Madison,
August 1 - 4). The meeting will begin with a welcome reception, Wednesday
evening, July 29th, in the Rigadoon Room of The Edgewater Hotel,
overlooking Lake Mendota. Spoken papers and invited addresses will begin
the morning of Thursday, July 30 and end the afternoon of Friday, July 31.
A poster session will be held Thursday evening, July 30.  All events of the
Eighth Annual Meeting of the Society for Text and Discourse will occur in
The Edgewater Hotel.

We are very pleased to announce a special feature of this year's annual
meeting:  Elizabeth Bates, Douglas Biber, Tom Givón, Jane Oakhill, and Eve
Sweetser each will be giving an invited address. We hope that you, too,
will join us by submitting a proposal for participation in the Eighth
Annual Meeting of the Society for Text and Discourse and by attending what
we believe will be an excellent meeting.

This announcement contains four pieces of information:

        1. How to submit a proposal for presentation at the Eighth Annual
Meeting of the Society for Text and Discourse.

        2. How to submit an entry for the OUTSTANDING STUDENT PAPER AWARD
and the JASON ALBRECHT AWARD to be awarded at the Eighth Annual Meeting of
the Society for Text and Discourse.

        3. How to reserve hotel lodging for the Eighth Annual Meeting of
the Society for Text and Discourse.

        4. How to register for the Eighth Annual Meeting of the Society for
Text and Discourse.

For further information, about the Eighth Annual Meeting of the Society for
Text and Discourse, contact Rachel Robertson, Conference Manager, by phone
at (608) 262-6989, or e-mail at textdis at macc.wisc.edu.

1.  How to Submit a Proposal for the Eighth Annual Meeting of the Society
for Text and Discourse

Presentations at the Eighth Annual Meeting of the Society for Text and
Discourse can be in the form of POSTERS and SPOKEN PAPERS. The deadline for
submitting proposals for both presentation formats is March 9, 1998. Note
that this is a "receipt deadline" (proposals must be received on or before
that date). Authors will be notified whether their proposed presentations
are accepted before April 13, 1998. Please note that all presentations must
be based on research that is completed at the time that the proposal is

For POSTER and PAPER presentations, please submit the following BY E-MAIL
to textdis at macc.wisc.edu. Please place information within the body of the

The subject heading should contain the last name of the first author and
the title of the proposal, in the format LAST NAME, TITLE (e.g.,
Gernsbacher, The benefits of becoming a member of the Society for Text and

Each submission must be in the body of a separate e-mail message. Please
use the following format.

        For every author on the submission, provide:
        Full mailing address
        E-mail address
        Telephone number

B.  PRESENTER NAME (name of the person who will be making the presentation)

        Choose one of the following options:
        Spoken only
        Poster only
        Preference for spoken but would be willing to do a poster

        (Note that the number of time slots for spoken presentations will
be limited.)

D.  STATEMENT verifying that the research that will be presented has been
completed (as of the date that the proposal is submitted).

        The title of the presentation
        Authors' names and affiliations
        A 2-page summary of the presentation
        A 75-word abstract of the presentation

Incomplete submissions will not be reviewed.  If for some reason you cannot
send your submission by e-mail, please contact the conference manager,
Rachel Robertson, Department of Psychology, 1202 W. Johnson St., Madison,
WI 53706, phone: (608) 262-6989, fax: (608) 262-4029,
textdis at macc.wisc.edu.  Confirmation of submissions will be sent within a
week of receipt.

2.  How to Submit an Entry for the OUTSTANDING STUDENT PAPER AWARD or the

Each year the Governing Board of the Society for Text and Discourse holds a
competition for the best spoken paper submitted and presented by a graduate
student. Up to two Outstanding Student Paper Awards will be given.
Recipients of the award receive a commemorative (framed) certificate and a
check for $150.

At last year's annual conference, the Governing Board of the Society for
Text and Discourse introduced the Jason Albrecht Outstanding Young
Scientist Award. This award, in honor of Jason Albrecht, a promising young
text and discourse researcher who passed away in 1996, will be presented to
the best spoken paper submitted and presented that is based on a doctoral

Entries for the Outstanding Student Paper Award or the Jason Albrecht
Outstanding Young Scientist Award must be submitted IN ADDITION to regular
submissions for the conference (i.e., persons who submit entries for the
Outstanding Student Paper Award or the Jason Albrecht Award must ALSO
submit "regular" proposals for inclusion in the program).

The deadline for submitting entries for the Outstanding Student Paper Award
and the Jason Albrecht Outstanding Young Scientist Award is also March 9,
1998. Recipients will be notified April 13, 1998. For these award
submissions, please submit the following BY EMAIL to textdis at macc.wisc.edu.
Please place the required information (listed below) inside the body of the

The subject heading for entries for the Outstanding Student Paper Award
should contain the acronym OSPA followed by the last name of the student
submitting the proposal (e.g., OSPA, Sundermeier). The subject heading for
entries for the Jason Albrecht Outstanding Young Scientist Award should
contain the acronym JAOYSA followed by the last name of the student
submitting the proposal (e.g., JAOYSA, Linderholm).

The submission must be in the body of the e-mail in the following format.

B.  A 2-page SUMMARY of the presentation
C.  For papers co-authored with the student's advisor(s) a statement from
the major advisor that, in the case of the Outstanding Student Paper Award
the work is primarily the student's or, in the case of the Jason Albrecht
Outstanding Young Scientist Award the presentation is based on the
student's dissertation.

Evaluation of entries for these two competitions will be blind. Therefore,
DO NOT include any information for the first two items listed above that
will identify the author of the entry. Other identifying necessary (e.g.,
the student's name in the subject heading and the statement from the
advisor in the case of co-authoring) will be removed prior to the

Incomplete submissions will not be reviewed.  If for some reason you cannot
send your submission by e-mail, please contact the conference manager,
Rachel Robertson, Department of Psychology, 1202 W. Johnson St., Madison,
WI 53706, phone: (608) 262-6989, fax: (608) 262-4029,
textdis at macc.wisc.edu.  Confirmation of submissions will be sent within a
week of receipt.

3.  How to Reserve Hotel Lodging for the Eighth Annual Meeting of the
Society for Text and Discourse

All sessions will be held at The Edgewater Hotel, 666 Wisconsin Avenue,
Madison, WI 53703. Participants of the Society for Text and Discourse
meeting will receive a special group rate for hotel rooms at The Edgewater
Hotel. The rate is $79 per night for single or double occupancy and $99 for
a lake front double. Amenities at The Edgewater Hotel include free airport
shuttle, free indoor parking, complimentary health club passes and
transportation, private voice-mail messaging, business services, morning
coffee served in the guest lobby and nightly turn-down with pillow mint,
ice refill, weather forecast and list of events.  Check-in time is 3:00
p.m. and check-out time is noon.

We also have a small block of rooms reserved at the Madison Inn, 601
Langdon St., which is two blocks from The Edgewater Hotel. The special
group rate for rooms at the Madison Inn are $52 for single occupancy and
$60 for double occupancy.

To reserve lodging and secure the special group rates, you must reply by
e-mail, phone, fax or mail using the form below by June 26 (receipt date).
Confirmations of reservations will be sent within a week of receipt.

To reply by e-mail include the information in the form below in an e-mail
message to textdis at macc.wisc.edu.  In the subject heading type Reservations
- YOUR LAST NAME. To phone in your reservation call Rachel Robertson at
(608) 262-6989 and be prepared to give the information included in the form
below.  To fax your reservation, fax the form below to Rachel Robertson at
(608) 262-4029. To mail your reservation, send the following form to:
Rachel Robertson, Department of Psychology, 1202 W. Johnson St., Madison,
WI 53706.

Eighth Annual Meeting of the Society for Text and Discourse


E-mail address:


Mailing address:

# of people in the room:

Name(s) of other occupant(s):

Hotel choice (The Edgewater Hotel or The Madison Inn):

If arriving after 6:00 p.m. provide credit card type (Visa, Mastercard,
etc. Note: The Edgewater Hotel does not take Discover):

and credit card number:

Arrival date:

Check-out date:

Indicate the type of room you want [single (one queen-sized bed), double
(two full-sized beds), lake front double (Edgewater Only - two full sized
beds, larger room with two vanities)]:

Would you prefer smoking or non-smoking?

4.  How to Register for the Eighth Annual Meeting of the Society for Text
and Discourse

To register, please fill out the form below. Send the completed form with a
check made out to the Society for Text and Discourse, to the address listed
below. There will be on-site registration available; however, the on-site
registration rates are $30 for members and $45 for non-members. If you are
not a member of the Society, please consider joining now.  Membership
includes a subscription to the Society's journal, Discourse Processes.

Registration and Membership Form
Eighth Annual Meeting of the Society for Text and Discourse


City, State, Country:

Please list any information that you prefer not to have listed in the
Society's membership directory (Name, Address, Telephone, Fax, E-mail
Address, etc.):


Please indicate whether you are a Society Member ($25) or Non-Member ($40):


Please indicate whether you are applying for:  Regular Membership (USA or
CANADA) $75, Foreign Membership (outside USA or CANADA) $85, Special
Membership (does not include Discourse Processes) $15

If you are getting a Special Membership, please let us know:  if you are a
student, if you are on the editorial board of Discourse Processes, if your
spouse is a member and subscribes to the journal, or if you have already
renewed your subscription directly with the publisher.

Make checks payable to the Society for Text and Discourse.  United States
currency only.

Mail to:
Roger J. Kreuz
Secretary/Treasurer, Society for Text and Discourse
Department of Psychology
Campus Box 526400
The University of Memphis
Memphis, TN  38152-6400

Rachel R.W. Robertson
Department of Psychology
1202 W. Johnson St.
Madison, WI 53706
(608) 262-6989

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