Language "locations" in the brain

George Elgin, Suzette Haden Elgin ocls at IPA.NET
Fri Sep 26 20:41:39 UTC 1997

September 25, 1997

In the July 10, 1997 issue of Nature, an article by Hirsch and Kim reported
functional MRI research purporting to demonstrate that in multilinguals who
acquire a second (or more) language in infancy or early childhood,  all
languages are represented in a single Broca's area location, while in
multilinguals acquiring second (or more) languages after puberty each
language has a separate Broca's area location. (No difference in Wernicke's
area, regardless of time of acquisition.) I'd be most grateful for comment
from Funknetters about this research; I've been getting questions about it,
and would like to offer reasonably informed answers. Thanks for your help.

Suzette Haden Elgin
ocls at

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