Sandy Thompson sathomps at HUMANITAS.UCSB.EDU
Mon Sep 29 23:44:30 UTC 1997


September 10, 1997

Interdisciplinary Journal for the Study of Text and Talk

Editor: Teun A. van Dijk (University of Amsterdam)

As from 1999 Sage Publications (London) will start the publication of
a new international and interdisciplinary journal for the study of

This journal will address the growing international community of
scholars and students of discourse in many disciplines of the
humanities and the social sciences.

Although in principle high quality articles on any topic in discourse
studies will be welcome for this journal, DISCOURSE STUDIES will
especially focus on the following areas:

Discourse and Grammar
The Cognitive and Social Psychology of Discourse
Conversation Analysis
Ethnography of Discourse
Discourse and Communication
Discourse, Semiotics and (Multi)Media Studies
Legal Discourse
Educational Discourse
Medical Discourse

Articles that combine discourse analysis with socio-political (and
'critical') studies of social issues and problems are welcome for the
companion journal DISCOURSE & SOCIETY, which is also published by
Sage (since 1990), at the editorial address below.

A board of internationally renowned scholars is now being
constituted, and will guarantee that the articles published in
DISCOURSE STUDIES will be of exceptionally high quality.

Papers are preferred that combine new theoretical developments with
detailed, explicit and systematic analysis of (corpora of) text and

Special features of DISCOURSE STUDIES are:

-Analysis of both spoken and written discourse
-Analysis of the relations between verbal and non-verbal discourses
-A multidisciplinary approach
-Contributions from all over the world
-Focus on new theoretical developments
-Originality of ideas
-Attention for practical methods of analysis
-Special issues on timely topics
-An accessible style
-Attention for practical applications
-Special introductory articles for students
-Stimulation of debate
-Extensive reviews and review articles
-A squib section
-Information about conferences and other events
-Contribution to the creation of international networks
-Close monitoring of new technological developments
-An Internet home page with background data and other information

Further ideas for the future journal are welcome from all members of
the international community of discourse scholars.


Information on subscription rates will be available later.
For subscriptions, contact Louise Harnby at Sage Publications,
6, Bonhill Street, London EC2A 4PU, England. Phone: +44-171-330.1252;
FAX: 374.8741; e-mail: louise.harnby at sagepub.co.uk.


Please help to make this new journal known to others by forwarding
this message to colleagues and/or by posting it on Internet lists you
subscribe to.


As from April 1998, high quality papers that fall within the scope
and meet the criteria outlined above are welcome at the address below
(provionally, see the instructions to authors on the inside backcover

For further information, contact the Editor, preferably by e-mail.

Teun A. van Dijk, Editor
University of Amsterdam
Program of Discourse Studies
210 Spuistraat
1012 VT Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
Phone: +31-20-525.3834 (office direct, 10-12 hrs)
Phone: +31-20-525.3865 (dept. secretary)
Phone: +31-20- (home --after 13 hrs)
FAX :  +31-20-639.1727
E-mail: teun at let.uva.nl
Home-Page: http://www.let.uva.nl/-7Eteun

(NB. Between October 1997 and End March 1998 I am on sabbatical, but
may be reached by e-mail).

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