
Philip A. Bralich, Ph.D. bralich at HAWAII.EDU
Sat Jan 10 20:17:21 UTC 1998

At 09:58 PM 1/9/98 -1000, Linguafile wrote:
>I'm personally an INTJ.  While I haven't learned 93 languages, my capacity for
>them has been demonstrated (I'm working on #4, a senior in high school, will
>major in linguistics) and highest on the N-S scale (95% iNtuitive) of the
>Kiersey Temperament Sorter (Jungian personality framework).  I know that NT
>people like myself are more attracted to mathematical/scientific disciplines,
>and NFs are more likely to choose languages/humanities.  I am well aware I am
>in the tiny minority as pertains to this, but I have always wondered whether
>linguists would test closer to the center on the T-F (thinking-feeling) scale,
>since it involves both areas heavily.  (Personally, I am 90% Thinking.)  Of
>course, I am speaking here of language acquisition to fluency as a compent
>part of the linguistic science--obviously, it is not so in every area of the
>discipline.  It would be interesting to see other linguists' test results in
>this framework.

I am INTP but I have developed the qualities of J (through academic work)
and F through personal work with psychology and personal growth.  To my
mind, the ability to work with theories of any sort is best done with INTJ
type psychology: the NT side of things leads to good insights and the
necessary ability to follow them up in the mental world, and the "J" puts
a premium on drawing conclusions, but the ability to switch to "P" makes
it easier to let go of dead ends.  I think the "F" side of things does not
play a great role in theory making, but it needs to be consulted to avoid
confusing things e.g. to avoid confusing linguistics with math for example.

I am a right handed male who believes that handedness indicates propensity to
interest rather than talent (i.e. no guarantee of intelligence or aptitude
just an indicator of likely focus).

Phil Bralich

P.S. It might be good to be cautious of talking of matters that require
cultivation of a mature psychology (e.g. type theory) as it could set off
those who have no desire to look into themselves, but would prefer to
dominate academia and beyond with brutish, lawyer-like intellectualism that
knows nothing of discovery besides the expeditious use of premises to
develop arguments that quash inquiry in the name of growing a movement (e.g.
arguments that make it 'unscientific' to look at anything that cannot be
physically measured).  Remember Freud and Jung were ousted from universities
years ago by a political movement (behaviorism) comprised of those who could
not or would not look inside themselves for insights into man and the world
that went any deeper than stimulus response.
Philip A. Bralich, Ph.D.
President and CEO
Ergo Linguistic Technologies
2800 Woodlawn Drive, Suite 175
Honolulu, HI 96822

Tel: (808)539-3920
Fax: (808)5393924

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