Symposium on Ideophones (fwd)

Spike L Gildea spikeg at OWLNET.RICE.EDU
Fri Jun 12 11:24:57 UTC 1998

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Dr. phil. Christa Kilian-Hatz, M.A." <Christa.Kilian at Uni-Koeln.DE>

Dear Colleagues,
the Institute fo Africa Linguistics, Un iversity of Cologne, is organizing

                        SYMPOSIUM on IDEOPHONES

here in Cologne on January 24-28, 1999.
While the central theme of the symposum is ideophones in African
languages, we are hoping to extend our investigation well beyond the
geographical confines of that continent.

Anyone interest in the topic is encouraged to contact:

F.K. Erhard Voeltz or Christa Kilian-Hatz at this e-mail address/or

Institut fuer Afrikanistik
Universitaet zu Koeln
D-50923 Koeln

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