Calls: New Trends in Variationist Linguistics: From Attitudes to Grammar

Matti Miestamo matmies at LING.HELSINKI.FI
Mon Mar 2 14:23:53 UTC 1998

(Apologies for the cross-posting)


The Linguistic Association of Finland is organizing a summer course/workshop on


to be held at the University of Oulu, the Perämeri Research Station
by the unique nature reserves on the Hailuoto island
August 14-16, 1998

The workshop will bring together researchers and PhD students working in the
field of language variation, ranging from morpho-syntactic variation to
dialectology, sociolinguistic variation, code-switching, language attitudes and
beliefs, and variation in interactional practices. The aim of the workshop is to
explore new issues in the study of variation, such as the use of new
methodologies and types of data. Participants are strongly encouraged to give a
paper on any aspect of language variation, as this is an excellent opportunity
to get feedback from others working in this area and from some of the leading
scholars in variationist studies.

Invited speakers:
Peter Auer (University of Hamburg)
Juhani Klemola (University of Leeds)
Dennis Preston (Michigan State University)

* lectures by invited speakers
* presentations by other participants (20 min + 10 min for discussion)
* recommended readings before the workshop (the reading list will be distri-
buted to registered participants)

Registration fees:
* general: FIM 200
* members of the association: FIM 100
* undergraduate and MA students free
* payment upon registration
* send by giro account no 800013-1424850 to The Linguistic Association of
Finland (SKY)/Variation, or payment at the beginning of the workshop in cash

Other costs:
* Accommodation and food FIM 170 x 3. Accommodation primarily in 4-8 person
* Bus from Oulu to Hailuoto on the morning of 14 August and back on the
afternoon of 16 August (fare between FIM 50-100)

The deadline for submission of abstracts (one page; preferably in English) and
registration is April 30, 1998. Please register and submit an abstract by e-mail
to the following address:

                   variation at

If you send this information by snail mail, please provide an e-mail address as
a contact address (if possible). Participants will be notified about acceptance
by May 31.

For further information, please contact one of the following organizers:

Marja Leinonen                          Marja-Leena Sorjonen
Filologia II                            Department of Finnish
University of Tampere                   P.O. Box 33
P.O. Box 67                             FIN-00014 University of Helsinki
33101 Tampere                           Finland
Finland                                 e-mail: sorjonen at
e-mail: f2male at

Elise Kärkkäinen                        Matti Miestamo
Department of English                   Department of Linguistics
University of Oulu                      P.O. Box 4
P.O. Box 111                            FIN-00014 University of Helsinki
FIN-90571 Oulu                          Finland
Finland                                 e-mail: matmies at
e-mail: elise.karkkainen at

Information can also be found at:

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