CONFS: Linguistics Association of Great Britain

Billy Clark b.clark at MDX.AC.UK
Tue Mar 10 20:03:28 UTC 1998

Linguistics Association of Great Britain
Spring Meeting 1998, Lancaster University


Tuesday 14 April 1998

1.00  LUNCH

2.00    Linguistics Association Lecture 1998
 Professor Frederick J. Newmeyer (University of Seattle)
 'Formal linguistics and functional explanations: bridging the gap'

3.30 TEA

4.00    Workshop on Formalism, Functionalism and Typology
 Convenor: Dr. William Croft (University of Manchester),
 with Professor Frederick J. Newmeyer, Professor Anna Siewierska
 and Dr. Simon Kirby

6.30  DINNER

7.45    Workshop continues

9.00    WINE PARTY

Wednesday 15 April 1998

Session A
9.00 Anna Papafragou (UCL) "Another look at short-circuited
implicatures" 9.40 Richard Breheny (UCL) "Strongest meaning
observations" 10.20 Corinne Iten (UCL) "Concessive conjunction: a
procedural account of although"

Session B
9.00 James Hurford (Edinburgh) "Why linguists should study the
evolution of language" 9.40 Marisa Lohr (Cambridge) "Genetic
classification and biological methodology" 10.20 Iraide
Ibarretxe-Antunano (Edinburgh) "Is metaphor the only explanation for
semantic change?"

Session C
9.00 Adam Przepiorkowski (Tübingen) "Do so and lexical theories of
 9.40 Peter Sells (Stanford) "Japanese postposing involves no
10.20 Kook-Hee Gill (Edinburgh) "Long-distance binding in Korean: a
lexicalist perspective"

11.00  COFFEE

11.30   Language Tutorial: Quechua
 Professor Pieter Muysken (University of Amsterdam)

1.00  LUNCH
Session A
2.00 David Adger & George Tsoulas (York) "Choice sets in syntactic
theory" 2.40 Elizabeth McCoy (York) "Word order in Irish non-finite
clauses and the visibility of functional heads" 3.20 Nick Sobin (UALR)
"The Comp-trace effect, the adverb effect,
        and minimal structure"

Session B
2.00 Ludovica Serratrice (Edinburgh) "Access to functional categories:
evidence from bilingual to first language acquisition" 2.40 Janig
Stephens (Cardiff) "The language development of a child with a
cochlear implant" 3.20 Eva Eppler (Lancaster & UCL) "Mixed and
scrambled subordinations"

Session C
2.00 Nikolas Gisborne (Hong Kong) "Force dynamics and the modality of
       SOUND-class verbs"
2.40 Seiko Ayano (Durham & MIE) "The [+state]/[-state] ambiguity of
the desiderative complex in Japanese" 3.20 William McGregor & Xiaokang
Zhou (Leuven & Melbourne) "Verbal classification in Mandarin Chinese"

4.00  TEA

4.30    Annual General Meeting

5.30    Language Tutorial continues

6.30  DINNER

7.45    Language Tutorial continues

Thursday 16 April 1998

Session A
9.00 Joan Rafel (Girona) "Clausal small clauses"
9.40 Odile E. Cyrille (Salford) "Inversion in French interrogatives
and que questions" 10.20 Masayoshi Amano (Nagoya) "On the licensing
condition of pro in nominal adjectives"

Session B
9.00 Jasper Holmes (UCL) "Resultatives: a semantic analysis"
9.40 Richard Hudson (UCL) "English subject-verb agreement"
10.20 And Rosta (Central Lancashire) "The syntactic characteristics of
interrogative clauses"

Session C
9.00 Dunstan Brown (Surrey) and Tore Nesset (Tromso) "Structuring grammatical
categories: the place of `sub-case'"
9.40 Diane Nelson (Leeds) "Universal constraints
on inflectional morphology: the importance of nonsyntactic features in
the Mongolian past tense" 10.20 Patrick Honeybone (Newcastle)
"Constraint creation and Gothic reduplication"

11.00  COFFEE

Session A
11.30 Robert D. Borsley (Bangor) "Weak auxiliaries, compound verbs and
inflected complementizers in Polish"

Session B
11.30 Shu-Ming Chen (Essex) "An OT analysis of Mandarin Third Tone

12.10 Raising public awareness of language: `The World of Language' Project
         Roger Bowers

1.00  LUNCH

Session A
2.00 Stella Markantonatou (NTUA & Cyprus) and Bjarne Oersnes
(Copenhagen)  "Group adjectives are not disguised arguments; they are plain
2.40 Noel Burton-Roberts (Newcastle) "Phonology in UG?"
       [55-minute slot - ends 3.35]

Session B
2.00 Alastair Butler (York) "Comparatives and Kratzer's predicate

Session C
2.00 Anna Siewierska (Lancaster) "From pronoun to agreement marker:
       why objects don't make it"


(all amounts are in UK pounds)

Please return, with payment, by Friday 27 March to: Melanie Sharratt,
LAGB 1998, Linguistics Dept, Lancaster University, Lancaster LA1 4YT.
Cheques payable to "Lancaster University".

ADDRESS FOR THIS MAILING.............................
E-MAIL ADDRESS...............................................

I enclose remittance as indicated (select appropriate package):

1. Complete conference package (en suite room):
 (a) including Tuesday lunch preceding workshop
  (i)  if sent to arrive before 27 March        ukp 134-60 ukp___
  (ii) if sent to arrive after 27 March ukp 149-56 ukp___

 (b) excluding Tuesday lunch
  (i)  if sent to arrive before 27 March        ukp 126-02 ukp____
  (ii) if sent to arrive after 27 March ukp 140-02 ukp____

 (c) Surcharge for non-members, ukp 5-00                  ukp____
        TOTAL:                                      ukp____

2.      Selected items (en suite room):
 (a)    conference fee (OBLIGATORY) ukp 15-00  ukp 15-00
 (b)    Tuesday lunch                            ukp  9-54
 (c)    Tuesday dinner                           ukp 14-81
 (d)    B&B Tuesday/Wednesday    ukp 38-16
 (e)    Wednesday lunch                        ukp   9-54
 (f)    Wednesday dinner                       ukp 14-81
 (g)    B&B Wednesday/Thursrday         ukp 38-16
 (h)    Thursday lunch                            ukp  9-54
     SUB-TOTAL:                                         ukp ____
  Deduct 10% if sent to arrive before 27 March
 (i)    Surcharge for non-members, ukp 5-00        ukp____
        TOTAL:  ukp ____

3. Complete conference package (standard room):
 (a) including Tuesday lunch preceding workshop
  (i)  if sent to arrive before 27 March           ukp 120-40 ukp____
  (ii) if sent to arrive after 27 March    ukp 133-78 ukp____

 (b) excluding Tuesday lunch
  (i)  if sent to arrive before 27 March           ukp 111-82  ukp____
  (ii) if sent to arrive after 27 March    ukp 124-24 ukp____

 (c) Surcharge for non-members, £5-00                ukp____
        TOTAL:                                             ukp____

4.      Selected items (standard room):
 (a)    conference fee (OBLIGATORY)   ukp 15-00    ukp 15-00
 (b)    Tuesday lunch                              ukp   9-54
 (c)    Tuesday dinner                             ukp 14-81
 (d)    B&B Tuesday/Wednesday      ukp 30-27
 (e)    Wednesday lunch                          ukp  9-54
 (f)    Wednesday dinner                         ukp 14-81
 (g)    B&B Wednesday/Thursrday           ukp 30-27
 (h)    Thursday lunch                             ukp   9-54
     SUB-TOTAL:                                           ukp____
  Deduct 10% if sent to arrive before 27 March
 (i)    Surcharge for non-members, ukp 5-00     ukp____
        TOTAL:                                                ukp____

5. Abstracts only, for those not attending: ukp 5-00 UK...... ukp 6-00




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