Scott Delancey delancey at OREGON.UOREGON.EDU
Thu May 7 21:25:49 UTC 1998

On Thu, 7 May 1998, Jan.Nuyts wrote:

> I may have missed it but I haven't seen Scott DeLancey's recent
> 'Mirativity: The grammatical marking of unexpected information' -
> Linguistic Typology 1 (1997), 33-52 - being mentioned yet.

Thanks, Jan -- I was just about to get around to that myself.
Besides original data on a couple of languages, there are references
there to Elena Bashir's work on Khowar/Khalasha, and to work on
Korean, which has a fairly elaborate mirative system.

Elsewhere,  Marja Leinonen <f2male at uta.fi> has a paper on evidentiality
in Komi (Finno-Ugric), which includes a mirative form; she also has
some useful citations to earlier literature on the subject.  I don't
think the paper is out yet; it's destined for a volume "Evidentials:
Turkic, Iranian, and neighbouring languages", ed. by Bo Utas and
Lars Johanson.

Scott DeLancey
Dept. of Linguistics
University of Oregon
Eugene, OR 97403, U.S.A.

delancey at darkwing.uoregon.edu

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