
Geoffrey S. Nathan geoffn at SIU.EDU
Mon Mar 29 14:38:40 UTC 1999

Let me apologize for unleashing the 'happy99.exe' worm.  I had never heard
of it before some of you alerted me.  I received it from someone I
infrequently correspond with, and thought he had sent me a belated New
Year's 'gift'.  I believe I have disinfected all the computers it came in
contact with.  If anyone needs instructions, feel free to contact me.
Nobody ever commented on my original message--I assume people were
distracted by the worm, but I must say I've been enjoying the discussion.


Remember--just delete the attachment 'happy99.exe'--don't run it.

Geoffrey S. Nathan
Department of Linguistics
Southern Illinois University at Carbondale,
Carbondale, IL, 62901 USA
Phone:  +618 453-3421 (Office)   FAX +618 453-6527
+618 549-0106 (Home)

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