From jrubba at POLYMAIL.CPUNIX.CALPOLY.EDU Sun May 2 18:32:40 1999 From: jrubba at POLYMAIL.CPUNIX.CALPOLY.EDU (Johanna Rubba) Date: Sun, 2 May 1999 11:32:40 -0700 Subject: A call for help from Greece (fwd) Message-ID: My friend Linda Manney, a linguist currently living in Greece, has asked me forward this message to various lists. Does anyone have a functioning address for the 'cogling' list, or has that list gone defunct? I seem to have no current address for it. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Johanna Rubba Assistant Professor, Linguistics ~ English Department, California Polytechnic State University ~ San Luis Obispo, CA 93407 ~ Tel. (805)-756-2184 Fax: (805)-756-6374 ~ E-mail: jrubba at ~ Office hours Spring 1999: Mon/Thurs 2:10-3pm Fri10:50-11:40am ~ Home page: ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Sun, 2 May 1999 12:38:05 +0300 (EET DST) From: Dr. Linda Manney To: jrubba at Subject: A call for help from Greece Dear Friends and Colleagues, AS we enter the 40th day of the NATO-led air attacks against Yugoslavia, may of us here in Greece are gravely concerned about the current state of affairs:the ongoing senseless loss of life caused by NATO bombings, the catastrophic effects on the natural environment in the entire Balkan area brought about by NATO's repeated bombings of oil refineries and chemical factories, the increased tensions among majority and minority populations who reside in the neighboring countries of the Balkans, the extremely detrimental effect of the bombing campaign on all the local economies of the Balkan countries. For those colleagues who share our concern and would like to become actively involved in the anti-war movement, we would like to pass on the web page and e-mail addresses of the International Action Center, based in New York City. Among other things, the International Action Center procides a clearing house of information on organized demonstrations against the war in Yugoslavia, both in the United States and internationally. The addresses are as follows: International Action Center web page: International Action Center e-mail: iacenter at For a non-mainstream American view of the war in Yugoslavia, those interested might want to look at the following web site for ZNET, an electronic forum for those concerned with social change and social justice: We urge all those able to make contributions to Doctors Without Borders. Since the current crisis began, DWB have been working around the clock in the Balkans, on very limited resources. Their web page is: Their toll-free number in the USA is: 1 - 888-392-0392 Phone and fax numbers in Los Angeles: (310) 277-2793; (310) 277-1667 Phone and fax numbers in NYC: (212) 679-6800; (212) 679-7016 Please help bring peace to the Balkans. Dr. Yiorgos Kalogeras, Dr. Linda Manney School of English Aristotle University of Thessaloniki Thessaloniki 54006 Greece Fax: (30) (31) 99-7432 From jrubba at POLYMAIL.CPUNIX.CALPOLY.EDU Sun May 2 23:29:24 1999 From: jrubba at POLYMAIL.CPUNIX.CALPOLY.EDU (Johanna Rubba) Date: Sun, 2 May 1999 16:29:24 -0700 Subject: Politics on funknet Message-ID: To those of you who object to my broadcast of Linda Manney's message on Funknet, I would ask you to address your objections directly to her. Her email address is at the end of the message, the very bottom. Whatever the complexities of the ethics of the posting, I was merely aiding (abetting??) Linda, who does not have the technology to make postings to Funknet herself at this time. If anyone knows of lists concerned with activism regarding this war, perhaps they could send Linda those addresses or be kind enough to forward her message themselves. Also, I take no partisan position by posting Linda's message. I sure do not have the answer to how to make peace in the Balkans. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Johanna Rubba Assistant Professor, Linguistics ~ English Department, California Polytechnic State University ~ San Luis Obispo, CA 93407 ~ Tel. (805)-756-2184 Fax: (805)-756-6374 ~ E-mail: jrubba at ~ Office hours Spring 1999: Mon/Thurs 2:10-3pm Fri10:50-11:40am ~ Home page: ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ From barlow at RUF.RICE.EDU Wed May 12 16:00:02 1999 From: barlow at RUF.RICE.EDU (Michael Barlow) Date: Wed, 12 May 1999 11:00:02 -0500 Subject: Special Subscription Rates for LSA Members (fwd) Message-ID: The message below is forwarded from Joan Bresnan. Dear colleagues, I would like to bring to your attention the fact that the LSA has negotiated discounts for linguistics journal subscriptions for its members. Another way to look at this, I've been told, is that two discounted journal subscriptions can pay for your membership in the LSA (which includes a subscription to Language). As Maggie Reynolds says: "It's phenomenal!" Best wishes, Joan Bresnan President, Linguistic Society of America The following publishers offer special subscription rates to Liniguistic Society members. Please identify yourself as a Society member when ordering your subscription. Ablex Publishing Corp. 100 Prospect Street PO Box 811 Stamford, CT 06904-0811 203-323-9606-telephone/203-357-8447-fax ablex at Cognitive Development ($85) Cognitive Science: A Multidisciplinary Journal ($85) Journal of Second Language Writing ($65) Linguistics and Education ($65) Academic Press 525 B Street, Ste 1900 San Diego, CA 92101-4495 619-231-6616-telephone ap at Brain and Language Journal of Memory and Language Journal of Phonetics Blackwell Publishers, Inc. Journals Marketing (LABO 350 Main St Malden, MA 02148 617-388-8200-telephone/617-388-8210-fax (Rates are listed for North America, Europe, and then rest of the world.) Computational Intelligence ($119, $131) German Life and Letters ($94, L47, L56) Journal of Sociolinguistics ($45, L28, L28) Language Learning ($57, $64) Linguistics Abstracts (print version) ($119, L71, L84) Mind and Language ($79, L40, L48) Modern Language Journal ($22, $29) Studia Linguistica ($50, L34, L34) Syntax ($38, L24, L24) Transactions of Philological Society ($116, L58, L70) World Englishes ($50, L30, L30) Cambridge University Press 40 West 20th Street, New York, NY 10011-4211 212-924-3900-telephone/212-691-3239-fax Annual Review of Applied Linguistics ($31) Bilingualism: Language and Cognition ($45) English Language and Linguistics ($49) Journal of Child Language ($62) Language Teaching ($49) Elsevier Science Ltd, The Boulevard Langford Lane Kidlington Oxford OX5 1GB Great Britain 4401865843000-telephone 44011865843010-fax Journal of Neurolinguistics Journal of Pragmatics Language & Communication Language Sciences Lingua Kluwer Academic Publishers Spuiboulevard 50 PO Box 17 3300 AA Dordrecht The Netherlands 31078-6392392-telephone 31078-6392254-fax (10% reduction on personal subscriptions beginning in 2000) Acta Linguistica Hungarica Grammars Journal of Comparative Germanic Linguistics Journal of East Asian Linguistics Journal of Logic, Language and Information Linguistics and Philosophy Machine Translation Natural Language and Linguistic Theory Natural Language Semantics MIT Press 5 Cambridge Center Cambridge, MA 02141 617-253-2889-telephone 617-577-1545-fax journals-orders at Linguistic Inquiry (20% discount) Oxford University Press Journals Marketing 2001 Evans Road Cary, NC 27513 919-677-0977-telephone 919-677-1714-fax jnlorders at Applied Linguistics ($70 for 1999; $131 for 1999 and 2000) ELT Journal ($70 for 1999; $131 for 1999 and 2000) International Journal of Lexicography ($123.15; $232 for 1999 and 2000) IRAL: International Review of Applied Journal of Semantics ($65 for 1999; $122 for 1999 and 2000) Linguistics in Language Teaching ($76.50 for 1999; $144 for 1999 and 2000) Literary & Linguistic Computing ($61 for 1999; $115 for 1999 and 2000) Sage Publications Inc. 2455 Teller Road Thousand Oaks, CA 91320 805-499-0721-telephone 805-499-0871-fax infor at Journal of English Linguistics ($40) Journal of Language and Social Psychology ($57.60) From jrubba at POLYMAIL.CPUNIX.CALPOLY.EDU Sun May 2 18:32:40 1999 From: jrubba at POLYMAIL.CPUNIX.CALPOLY.EDU (Johanna Rubba) Date: Sun, 2 May 1999 11:32:40 -0700 Subject: A call for help from Greece (fwd) Message-ID: My friend Linda Manney, a linguist currently living in Greece, has asked me forward this message to various lists. Does anyone have a functioning address for the 'cogling' list, or has that list gone defunct? I seem to have no current address for it. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Johanna Rubba Assistant Professor, Linguistics ~ English Department, California Polytechnic State University ~ San Luis Obispo, CA 93407 ~ Tel. (805)-756-2184 Fax: (805)-756-6374 ~ E-mail: jrubba at ~ Office hours Spring 1999: Mon/Thurs 2:10-3pm Fri10:50-11:40am ~ Home page: ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Sun, 2 May 1999 12:38:05 +0300 (EET DST) From: Dr. Linda Manney To: jrubba at Subject: A call for help from Greece Dear Friends and Colleagues, AS we enter the 40th day of the NATO-led air attacks against Yugoslavia, may of us here in Greece are gravely concerned about the current state of affairs:the ongoing senseless loss of life caused by NATO bombings, the catastrophic effects on the natural environment in the entire Balkan area brought about by NATO's repeated bombings of oil refineries and chemical factories, the increased tensions among majority and minority populations who reside in the neighboring countries of the Balkans, the extremely detrimental effect of the bombing campaign on all the local economies of the Balkan countries. For those colleagues who share our concern and would like to become actively involved in the anti-war movement, we would like to pass on the web page and e-mail addresses of the International Action Center, based in New York City. Among other things, the International Action Center procides a clearing house of information on organized demonstrations against the war in Yugoslavia, both in the United States and internationally. The addresses are as follows: International Action Center web page: International Action Center e-mail: iacenter at For a non-mainstream American view of the war in Yugoslavia, those interested might want to look at the following web site for ZNET, an electronic forum for those concerned with social change and social justice: We urge all those able to make contributions to Doctors Without Borders. Since the current crisis began, DWB have been working around the clock in the Balkans, on very limited resources. Their web page is: Their toll-free number in the USA is: 1 - 888-392-0392 Phone and fax numbers in Los Angeles: (310) 277-2793; (310) 277-1667 Phone and fax numbers in NYC: (212) 679-6800; (212) 679-7016 Please help bring peace to the Balkans. Dr. Yiorgos Kalogeras, Dr. Linda Manney School of English Aristotle University of Thessaloniki Thessaloniki 54006 Greece Fax: (30) (31) 99-7432 From jrubba at POLYMAIL.CPUNIX.CALPOLY.EDU Sun May 2 23:29:24 1999 From: jrubba at POLYMAIL.CPUNIX.CALPOLY.EDU (Johanna Rubba) Date: Sun, 2 May 1999 16:29:24 -0700 Subject: Politics on funknet Message-ID: To those of you who object to my broadcast of Linda Manney's message on Funknet, I would ask you to address your objections directly to her. Her email address is at the end of the message, the very bottom. Whatever the complexities of the ethics of the posting, I was merely aiding (abetting??) Linda, who does not have the technology to make postings to Funknet herself at this time. If anyone knows of lists concerned with activism regarding this war, perhaps they could send Linda those addresses or be kind enough to forward her message themselves. Also, I take no partisan position by posting Linda's message. I sure do not have the answer to how to make peace in the Balkans. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Johanna Rubba Assistant Professor, Linguistics ~ English Department, California Polytechnic State University ~ San Luis Obispo, CA 93407 ~ Tel. (805)-756-2184 Fax: (805)-756-6374 ~ E-mail: jrubba at ~ Office hours Spring 1999: Mon/Thurs 2:10-3pm Fri10:50-11:40am ~ Home page: ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ From barlow at RUF.RICE.EDU Wed May 12 16:00:02 1999 From: barlow at RUF.RICE.EDU (Michael Barlow) Date: Wed, 12 May 1999 11:00:02 -0500 Subject: Special Subscription Rates for LSA Members (fwd) Message-ID: The message below is forwarded from Joan Bresnan. Dear colleagues, I would like to bring to your attention the fact that the LSA has negotiated discounts for linguistics journal subscriptions for its members. Another way to look at this, I've been told, is that two discounted journal subscriptions can pay for your membership in the LSA (which includes a subscription to Language). As Maggie Reynolds says: "It's phenomenal!" Best wishes, Joan Bresnan President, Linguistic Society of America The following publishers offer special subscription rates to Liniguistic Society members. Please identify yourself as a Society member when ordering your subscription. Ablex Publishing Corp. 100 Prospect Street PO Box 811 Stamford, CT 06904-0811 203-323-9606-telephone/203-357-8447-fax ablex at Cognitive Development ($85) Cognitive Science: A Multidisciplinary Journal ($85) Journal of Second Language Writing ($65) Linguistics and Education ($65) Academic Press 525 B Street, Ste 1900 San Diego, CA 92101-4495 619-231-6616-telephone ap at Brain and Language Journal of Memory and Language Journal of Phonetics Blackwell Publishers, Inc. Journals Marketing (LABO 350 Main St Malden, MA 02148 617-388-8200-telephone/617-388-8210-fax (Rates are listed for North America, Europe, and then rest of the world.) Computational Intelligence ($119, $131) German Life and Letters ($94, L47, L56) Journal of Sociolinguistics ($45, L28, L28) Language Learning ($57, $64) Linguistics Abstracts (print version) ($119, L71, L84) Mind and Language ($79, L40, L48) Modern Language Journal ($22, $29) Studia Linguistica ($50, L34, L34) Syntax ($38, L24, L24) Transactions of Philological Society ($116, L58, L70) World Englishes ($50, L30, L30) Cambridge University Press 40 West 20th Street, New York, NY 10011-4211 212-924-3900-telephone/212-691-3239-fax Annual Review of Applied Linguistics ($31) Bilingualism: Language and Cognition ($45) English Language and Linguistics ($49) Journal of Child Language ($62) Language Teaching ($49) Elsevier Science Ltd, The Boulevard Langford Lane Kidlington Oxford OX5 1GB Great Britain 4401865843000-telephone 44011865843010-fax Journal of Neurolinguistics Journal of Pragmatics Language & Communication Language Sciences Lingua Kluwer Academic Publishers Spuiboulevard 50 PO Box 17 3300 AA Dordrecht The Netherlands 31078-6392392-telephone 31078-6392254-fax (10% reduction on personal subscriptions beginning in 2000) Acta Linguistica Hungarica Grammars Journal of Comparative Germanic Linguistics Journal of East Asian Linguistics Journal of Logic, Language and Information Linguistics and Philosophy Machine Translation Natural Language and Linguistic Theory Natural Language Semantics MIT Press 5 Cambridge Center Cambridge, MA 02141 617-253-2889-telephone 617-577-1545-fax journals-orders at Linguistic Inquiry (20% discount) Oxford University Press Journals Marketing 2001 Evans Road Cary, NC 27513 919-677-0977-telephone 919-677-1714-fax jnlorders at Applied Linguistics ($70 for 1999; $131 for 1999 and 2000) ELT Journal ($70 for 1999; $131 for 1999 and 2000) International Journal of Lexicography ($123.15; $232 for 1999 and 2000) IRAL: International Review of Applied Journal of Semantics ($65 for 1999; $122 for 1999 and 2000) Linguistics in Language Teaching ($76.50 for 1999; $144 for 1999 and 2000) Literary & Linguistic Computing ($61 for 1999; $115 for 1999 and 2000) Sage Publications Inc. 2455 Teller Road Thousand Oaks, CA 91320 805-499-0721-telephone 805-499-0871-fax infor at Journal of English Linguistics ($40) Journal of Language and Social Psychology ($57.60)