Home page of Integrational Linguistics

Robin Sackmann sackmann at zedat.fu-berlin.de
Wed Nov 3 23:22:28 UTC 1999

Integrational Linguistics has a new Web site. The URL is


Integrational Linguistics is an independent, powerful
approach to linguistics combining a comprehensive theory of
language and a theory of grammars and providing a
consistent framework for the analysis and description of
arbitrary languages from any point of view that is
linguistically relevant.

On our home page you'll find, among other things, several
introductory online texts, a comprehensive bibliography of
Integrational Linguistics, and an overview of books
originating from Integrational Linguistics.

The home page is available in English, German, and Spanish.
A Chinese version is in preparation.


 Robin Sackmann, M.A.
 Research and Teaching Assistant
 Berlin, Germany
 sackmann at zedat.fu-berlin.de
 Tel. & Fax  +49-30-838-2973
 Secretary   +49-30-838-4429
 Home        +49-30-621 4649

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