reflexives in subject position

Jean Crocker J.F.Crocker at NEWCASTLE.AC.UK
Thu Feb 17 19:24:51 UTC 2000

Does AmE  use 'his ass' like this?


> Some years ago, Pierre Pica suggested that bimorphemic reflexives (and
> reciprocals) always require a sentence-internal antecedent, with locality
> conditions related to intervening subjects, while monomorphemic forms
> typically do not have this property.  There are some counterexamples (I
> don't know about languages that use forms like 'his head' for 'himself) and
> I'm not sure what the current wisdom is on Pica's generalization.

> -David Pesetsky
Jean Crocker
Language Centre
University of Newcastle
Newcastle on Tyne NE1 7RU

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