Jobs: Asst Prof at Alaska Native Language Center

Gary Holton gary.holton at UAF.EDU
Wed Nov 29 02:39:14 UTC 2000

University of Alaska Fairbanks
Assistant Professor of Linguistics, tenure-track
PCN NUMBER: 216215

The Alaska Native Language Center seeks applicants for a
tenure-track Assistant Professor of Linguistics specializing
in Alaska Native langauges, to begin Fall 2001.

MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS: Ph.D. in Linguistics or a related
field preferred, ABD considered with expectation of
completion within the first year of employment.
Demonstrated field experience with an Alaskan or related

TYPICAL DUTIES:  Fieldwork in an Alaskan language for
purposes of documentation and support of local language
efforts.  The person hired will write grammars, compile
dictionaries and collections of texts in Native language(s);
perform outreach to Native communities and organizations;
and teach in the field of Alaska Native languages in the
classroom or through distance delivery.  Duties will include
coordinating language efforts with statewide and local
institutions such as museums, libraries and cultural
heritage centers; establishing and overseeing contacts with
national and international organizations dealing with Native
languages; writing grant proposals; and assisting with
collecting, archiving, and disseminating written materials
and tapes in and on Alaska Native languages.

APPLICATION:  Please submit a signed University of Alaska
employment application, cover letter addressing interest and
qualifications, photocopies of transcripts of all graduate
coursework, current resume or curriculum vitae, and names,
mailing and e-mail addresses, and telephone numbers of three
professional references to:

        Search Committee
        Alaska Native Language Center
        University of Alaska
        P. O. Box 757680
        Fairbanks, AK 99775-7680
        Phone:  (907) 474-7874
        FAX:  (907) 474-6586
        E-mail:  ffldk at

All materials must be postmarked by the January 15, 2001.

A copy of the UA Employment Application Form can be obtained
from any of the UA Human Resources offices or downloaded

Person(s) hired by the University of Alaska Fairbanks must
comply with the provisions of the Federal Immigration
Reporting and Control Act of 1986 and are expected to
possess a valid social security card.  The University of
Alaska Fairbanks is an equal employment
opportunity/affirmative action employer and educational
institution.  Your application for employment with the
University of Alaska is subject to public disclosure under
the Alaska Public Records Act.  Women and minorities are
encouraged to apply.  Applicants needing reasonable
accommodation to participate in the application and
screening process should contact the Assistant Director of
(907) 474-6259.

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