call for papers -- reference and coherence

Ted Sanders Ted.Sanders at LET.UU.NL
Mon Oct 2 13:36:33 UTC 2000


 International workshop on Reference and Coherence in discourse;
 Formal, Functional and Cognitive approaches

Utrecht, The Netherlands, January 10-12, 2001

The Utrecht institute for Linguistics UiL OTS hosts an international
workshop on ‘Reference and Coherence in discourse;  Formal, Functional and
Cognitive approaches’, January 10-12, 20001. The workshop is co-funded by
the Dutch Organization of Scientific research NWO. The aim of the workshop
is to bring insights from linguistic analysis, cognitive modeling and
computational generation/interpretation together to develop a framework for
reference to individuals which integrates formal, computational, functional
and cognitive approaches.


Mira Ariel, Tel-Aviv University, Israel / UC Santa Barbara (Ca, V.S.)
Kees van Deemter, Univ. of Brighton (U.K.)
Catherine Emmott, University of  Glasgow / Utrecht Institute for
Linguistics OTS
Jerry Hobbs, SRI International, Menlo Park (Ca, V.S.)
Ellen Prince, Upenn, Philadelphia (PA, V.S.)
Francis Corblin, Paris IV (Sorbonne), Parijs

We invite researchers in the field of reference and coherence to submit
papers on the theme identified above. Here is a non-exhaustive list of
topics we intend to discuss at the workshop:

·       How do natural language expressions refer to individuals?
·       What are the syntactic, semantic and pragmatic constraints on reference
to individuals, and how do we model them in
cognitive/linguistic/computational theory?
·       How do these constraints, and other linguistic indicators like
connectives and coherence relations help the language user to build a
coherent representation of discourse?
·       How do readers and listeners actually make use of reference to
individuals during language processing and generation?

1. Abstracts should be sent in the body of an e-mail message to
refcoh at
2. Abstracts should be no longer than 500 words
3. An abstract starts with a title, author name(s) and address(es), both
postal and e-mail

        Abstracts should be sent no later than October 27, 2000. Notification of
acceptance by November 10, 2000.

        Ted Sanders, Henriette de Swart, Rick Nouwen, Ninke Stukker, Paul van den
Hoven, Sergio Baauw, all Utrecht institute of Linguistics OTS, Utrecht



   Ted Sanders
   Utrecht Institute of Linguistics OTS /
   Opleidingsinstituut Nederlands
   Universiteit Utrecht
   Trans 10
   NL - 3512 JK Utrecht
   The Netherlands

   e-mail: Ted.Sanders at

   Tel. +31 30  253 60 80 / 80 00
   Fax + 31 30  253 60 00.


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