linguistics/literature course

Linda R. Waugh lwaugh at U.ARIZONA.EDU
Sat Oct 28 17:20:24 UTC 2000

I will be teaching a course entitled "Linguistics for Students of
Literature" next spring (2001) and am interested in finding out about
textbooks, websites, workbooks, syllabi, and any other materials that might
be of interest to me as I decide how to teach the course.  Please reply to:
lwaugh at  Thank you for your help.  I
will provide a summary of replies for the listserve.

Prof. Linda R. Waugh
Professor of French, English, and Linguistics
Department of French and Italian
Modern Languages Building
University of Arizona
Tucson, AZ  85721
tel: 520-626-4119; fax: 520-626-8022
main office, French and Italian: 520-621-7349

Prof. Linda R. Waugh
Professor of French, English, and Linguistics
Dept. of French and Italian/Dept. of English
Modern Languages Building
University of Arizona
Tucson, AZ  85721
tel: 520-626-4119; fax: 520-626-8022
main office: 520-621-7349

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