job at Oregon

Noriko Fujii fujiin at OREGON.UOREGON.EDU
Mon Mar 5 22:59:35 UTC 2001

UNIVERSITY OF OREGON:  The Department of East Asian Languages and
Literatures invites applications for a full-time one-year position as a
visiting assistant professor of Japanese linguistics.  Applicants should be
prepared to teach graduate courses in Japanese phonology, morphology,
syntax and semantics, and/or in second language acquisition and second
language teaching; and undergraduate language courses.  The position begins
September 16, 2001.  Required are a Ph.D. or ABD in (Japanese) linguistics
or applied linguistics and native or near-native fluency in Japanese and
English.  Excellence in teaching is a priority.  Send an application
letter, CV, three letters of recommendation, and brief research sample to:
Japanese Linguistics Search Committee, Department of East Asian Languages
and Literatures, University of Oregon, Eugene, OR 97403.  Fax:
541/346-0260.  Applications will be reviewed from March 30, 2001.
AA/EO/ADA Employer

Noriko Fujii
Dept. of East Asian Langs. & Lits.
Univ. of Oregon
Eugene, OR  97403
TEl: (541) 346-4004
FAX: (541) 346-0260

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