Joe Greenberg

David B. Kronenfeld kfeld at CITRUS.UCR.EDU
Wed May 9 00:57:35 UTC 2001

Amen !
                                         David Kronenfeld

At 09:17 PM 5/8/01 -0700, you wrote:
>Dear friends and fellow travellers,
>The news of the passing of Joseph Greenberg, yesterday at Stanford,
>California, may have already filtered out through the network. As I
>expect, an outpouring of grief, rememberances and appreciations will now
>begin to gather steam. If one could deign to credit a single person as
>founder of our network, it would surely be Joe. For in his work most
>clearly than in any others', the transparent unity of typology,
>universals, diachrony and functionalism was manifest, indeed boldly
>proclaimed and painstakingly argued. His catholic tastes in languages
>and linguistics, his restless scholarship, his adventuresome curiosity,
>and above all his insistence of understanding and explanation, have
>inspired several generations of linguists and anthropologists. We will
>sorely miss him.
>                                                               Tom Givon

David B. Kronenfeld             Phone   Office  909/787-4340
Department of Anthropology              Message 909/787-5524
University of California                        Fax     909/787-5409
Riverside, CA 92521                     email   kfeld at

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