Call for papers (INTERNATIONAL SCOLA JOURNAL, no. 1) (fwd)

Jan.Nuyts nuyts at UIA.UA.AC.BE
Thu Sep 6 08:11:53 UTC 2001

Edited by the Spanish Cognitive Linguistic Association (SCOLA)

General Editor: Francisco J. Ruiz de Mendoza

Assistant Editor: Francisco Santibáñez

Editorial Board:
Carlos Inchaurralde Besga
Lorena Pérez Hernández
Sandra Peña Cervel

Advisory Board (to be expanded):

Alan J. Cienki, Alice Deignan, Anne-Marie Simon-Vandenbergen, Antonio
Barcelona Sánchez, Dirk Geeraerts, Elzbieta Gorska, Günter Radden , Iraide
Ibarretxe, Jan.Nuyts, Juana Marín Arrese, Klaus-Uwe Panther, Linda
Thornburg, M. H. Verspoor, Margaret Winters, Marianna Chodorowska-Pilch,
Mario Brdar, Michel Achard, Nicole Delbecque, Peter Pelyvas, René Dirven,
Ricardo Maldonado, Rita Brdar Szabo, Seana Coulson, Sherman Wilcox, Susanne
Niemeier, Suzanne Kemmer, Zoltán Kövecses.


1. Editorial introduction
The International Journal of the Spanish Cognitive Linguistics Association
(SCOLA) accepts for their publication, after favourable reports from the
Advisory Board, original scholarly contributions in all research areas
related to the field of Cognitive Linguistics. The following types of
contributions are welcomed:
A. Full-length articles. These should not normally exceed 20 double-spaced
pages (including bibliographical references, notes, appendices, and
B. Squibs, not exceeding 6 double-spaced pages.
C. Review articles of recent books covering issues relating to the area of
interest of the journal. Reviews should not exceed 8 double-spaced pages.
Exceptionally, the Editorial Board may accept longer contributions on the
grounds of their scientific relevance.
Contributions will be sent out for assessment to the referees proposed by
the members of the Editorial Board and/or the Advisory Board of the
International SCOLA Journal. Selection criteria will be based on
originality, quality and general relevance to current issues in the field.
The anonymity of both contributors and referees will be strictly preserved.
Contributors will receive commentary on their work and the corresponding
decision by the Editorial Board. Unaccepted manuscripts will not be
returned unless explicitly requested. First proofs of contributions will be
sent to the authors, who will be asked to check and return them before the
indicated deadline.

2. Submission of manuscripts

Hard copies of contributions should be sent directly to the editor:

Francisco J. Ruiz de Mendoza Ibáñez
International SCOLA Journal
Departamento de Filologías Modernas
Edificio de Filologías
Universidad de La Rioja
c/ San José de Calasanz s/n; 26004- Logroño (Spain)
Tel. (34) (941) 299430/433; fax.: (34) (941) 299419
E-mail: francisco.ruiz at

Contributions should preferably be written in English or Spanish, although
submissions in English are particularly encouraged. Other languages may
occasionally be accepted. Manuscripts should be prepared in accordance with
the following guidelines:

The first page should contain: title of the article (in bold face),
author's name (in small capitals), and institutional affiliation (in
italics). Relevant correspondence information (e-mail, postal address and
fax number) should also be included here. In the case of multiple
authorship, correspondence will be maintained with the first-named
Any kind of information which might reveal contributors' identities should
be avoided in the rest of the manuscript.

The main text should be preceded by a brief abstract (100-150 words), typed
in 10-point Times italics, single-spaced and indented 1 cm. from the
left-hand margin. In the body of the text, all margins should be of 2.54
Contributions should be submitted on diskette, accompanied by three
single-sided A4 print-outs. The following information should be clearly
indicated on the diskette: operating system, format, word processor and
version, other computer applications, title of the article, and author's
Submitted manuscripts should be fully justified and typed in Times typeface
(12 points for main text and bibliographical references; 10 points for
abstracts, footnotes, superscript numbers, tables, and figures; 11 points
for quotations separated from the body of the text).
Words in a language other than English should be italicized; italics should
also be used in order to emphasize some key words.
Figures, illustrations, and tables should be numbered consecutively with
Arabic numerals and accompanied by an explanatory foot (in 10-point Times);
they should preferably be included on the diskette. If this is not
possible, high-quality originals should be submitted on a separate sheet
and their approximate position should be indicated in the main text.
Headings of sections should be typed in small capitals, numbered
consecutively with Arabic numerals, and separated with four spaces from
previous text. Headings of subsections should appear in italics, numbered
(e.g. 1.1, 1.2...), and separated with two spaces from previous text.

Footnotes should only be explanatory (references should be provided only in
the main text). Notes should be marked throughout the text with consecutive
superscript numbers.

Quotations should normally appear in the body of the text, enclosed in
double quotation marks. Quotations longer than four lines should be set
apart from previous text with one line, without quotation marks. Omissions
within quoted text should be indicated by means of suspension points in

References in the main text should include author's last name and, in
parentheses, year of publication and page number(s). If the author's last
name also appears in parentheses, it should be separated with one space
from the year of publication; the year, in turn, should be separated from
page number(s) with a colon and one space:

Lakoff (1987: 34)
(Katz and Fodor 1963: 193)

If several authors are parenthetically cited at the same time, they should
be arranged chronologically and separated with a semi-colon:

(Kuno 1971: 333; Carlson 1978: 43; Abbott 1993: 52)

If there are two or more works by the same author published in the same
year, a lower-case letter should be added to the year, as in the example:

(Langacker 1987a: 121)
(Langacker 1987b: 383)

All (and only) books and articles quoted or referred to in the text
(including footnotes) should appear in a final bibliographical reference
list, arranged in alphabetical order (and chronologically with works by the
same author). References to books will include: author's last name and
initials; year of publication (first edition in parentheses); title (in
italics); place of publication; publisher's name. Contributors are
requested to pay special attention to punctuation marks in the following

Taylor, J. R. 1995 (1989). Linguistic Categorization: Prototypes in
Linguistic Theory. Oxford: Clarendon.

Titles of articles should be given in inverted commas. Titles of journals
should appear in italics. Volume and page numbers should follow, separated
by a colon:

Haiman, J. 1978. "Conditionals are topics". Language 54: 564-589.

Volumes edited by one or more authors should be referred to as follows
(observe the use of abbreviations ed. and eds.):

Lass, N., ed. 1984. Speech and Language. Vol. 10. New York: Academic Press.
Richards, J. C., and D. Nunan, eds. 1990. Second Language Teacher
Education. New York: Cambridge University Press.

References to articles published in works edited by other authors or in
conference proceedings should be cited as in the example:

Gibbs, R. W. 1999. "Speaking and thinking with metonymy". Metonymy in
Language and Thought. Ed. K.-U. Panther & G. Radden.
Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins 61-76.
Traugott, E. C. 1988. "Pragmatic strengthening and grammaticalization".
Proceedings of the Fourteenth Annual Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics
Society. Eds. S. Axmaker, A. Jaisser, and H. Singmaster. Berkeley, Ca.:
Berkeley Linguistics Society. 406-416.

Works by the same author should be arranged chronologically; the author's
last name and initials should be repeated in all cases:

Wierzbicka, A. 1988. The Semantics of Grammar. Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
Wierzbicka, A. 1992. Semantics, Culture, and Cognition: Universal Human
Concepts in Culture-Specific Configurations. New York: Oxford University

Universidad de La Rioja
Departamento de Filologías Modernas
Edificio de Filología
c/San José de Calasanz s/n
Campus Universitario
26004, Logroño, La Rioja, Spain

Tel.:   34 (941) 299433 / (941) 299430
FAX.:  34 (941) 299419
e-mail: francisco.ruiz at

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