8th International Pragmatics Conference (fwd)

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Date: Thu, 11 Apr 2002 19:41:42 -0700 (PDT)
From: Jef Verschueren <jef.verschueren at ipra.be>
To: cogling at ucsd.edu
Subject: 8th International Pragmatics Conference

13-18 July 2003

The 8th  International Pragmatics Conference will be held on 13-18 July 2003
at the University of Toronto.

 CONFERENCE CHAIR: Monica HELLER (Univ. of Toronto)

LOCAL SITE COMMITTEE: Susan EHRLICH (York Univ.), Ruth KING (York Univ.),
Normand LABRIE (Univ. of Toronto), Grit LIEBSCHER (Univ. of Waterloo),
Bonnie McELHINNY (Univ. of  Toronto) Donna PATRICK (Brock Univ.)

INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE COMMITTEE: In addition to the members of the Local
Site Committee, the International Conference Committee  includes:  Charles
ANTAKI (Loughborough Univ.), Jenny COOK-GUMPERZ (Univ. of California at
Santa Barbara), Susan ERVIN-TRIPP (Univ. of California at Berkeley; IPrA
President), GU Yueguo (Chinese Academy of Social Sciences),  Andreas JUCKER
(Justus Liebig Univ. Giessen),  Ferenc KIEFER (Hungarian Academy of
Sciences; chair, 7th IPC), Eniko NEMETH (Univ of Szeged), Ben RAMPTON
(King's College London), Eddy ROULET (Univ. of Geneva),  Anna-Brita
STENSTROM (Univ. of Bergen), Elizabeth TRAUGOTT (Stanford Univ.), Jef
VERSCHUEREN (Univ. of Antwerp; IPrA Secretary General), Yorick WILKS (Univ.
of Sheffield)

THEMES: As always, the conference will be open to all themes relevant to the
pragmatics of language in its widest sense as an interdisciplinary
cognitive, social, and cultural perspective.  Prospective participants
should, however, pay attention to the distribution of topics across event
types, as described below. In addition, there is a special theme.


Linguistic pluralism : policies, practices and pragmatics

This is a theme that was chosen by the Local Site Committee and approved by
the Consultation Board. It corresponds to the interests of a large number of
IPrA members, and permits us to link cognitive, linguistic, social and
political approaches to a phenomenon of long-standing interest in pragmatics
and of current theoretical, as well as social and policy importance. The
intention will be to focus the conference on making those links in a number
of ways, ranging from choice of plenary speakers and special panels, to
invitations to interested and relevant Canadians outside the academy. The
theme is one which also fits the venue, given Canada's historical
involvement in debates on such issues, and Toronto's profile as a major
centre of new globalized urban multilingualism. However, it is meant here to
go beyond traditional ideas about "multilingualism" understood as connecting
linguistic difference primarily to ethnic or national distinctions, and
rather to extend that concept to the links between language and all forms of
social difference and social inequality. The theme is also appropriate to
the expertise of the members of the Local Site Committee which is committed
to tying academic approaches to broader public debates.

PLENARY LECTURES: Plenary speakers will include

Susan GAL (Dept. of Anthropology, Univ. of Chicago), Language ideologies and
the practices of power: "Reading between the lines" during the Cold War

Jocelyn LETOURNEAU (Département d'histoire, Univ. Laval, Québec), La langue
comme lieu de mémoire et lieu de passage /  Language as realm of memory and

Lorenza MONDADA (Sciences du Langage, Univ. Lumière, Lyon, France),
Scientific knowledge as an interactional accomplishment: On the analysis of
research groups in international networks

Eni ORLANDI (Univ. Estadual de Campinas, Brazil), Le Discours en tant
qu´objet spécifique dans l´histoire des Sciences du Langage / Discourse as a
specific object in the history of Language Sciences

Dan SPERBER (CNRS, Paris, France) Relevance theory: Pragmatics and beyond

Ruth WODAK (Inst. für Sprachwissenschaft, Univ. of Vienna, Austria),
European language policies and European identities


* Oeuvre panels

Jan BLOMMAERT (University of Ghent), Pierre Bourdieu: The ethnographic turn
This panel is devoted to the work of Pierre BOURDIEU and its relevance for

Charles BRIGGS (University of California at San Diego), Pragmatics of
institutional discourse
This panel is devoted to the work of Aaron CICOUREL and its relevance for

Jenny COOK-GUMPERZ (Univ. of California at Santa Barbara), Basil Bernstein
and pragmatics: class, code and language
This panel is devoted to the work of Basil BERNSTEIN and its relevance for

* Special topic panels

Peter AUER (Univ. Freiburg), Acts of identity: Language indexing social

Adriana BOLIVAR & Paola BENTIVOGLIO (Univ. Central de Venezuela), Changing
attitudes to lesser languages in Latin America

James COLLINS (State Univ. of New York - Albany), Class, Identity, and
Literacy: Ethnographic and Discourse-Analytic Perspectives

Werner KALLMEYER & Inken KEIM (Inst. für Deutsche Sprache, Mannheim),
Sociostylistic perspectives on language and identity

Normand LABRIE (Univ. of Toronto), Enjeux de santé dans des sociétés

Yaron MATRAS (Univ. of Manchester), The mixed language debate: Natural
evolution and structural manipulation

Donna PATRICK (Brock Univ.), Indigenous language stability and change

Kanavillil RAJAGOPALAN (Univ. Estadual de Campinas) & Marilyn MARTIN-JONES
(Univ. of Wales), Politics of language and the linguist

Tomek STRZALKOWSKI (State Univ. of New York - Albany), Building automated
multilingual call centers

* General interest panels

Jean-Paul BRONCKART & Laurent FILLIETTAZ (Univ. de Genève), L'analyse des
actions et des discours en situation de travail

Robyn CARSTON (Univ. College London), Relevance theory and word meaning

Yrjo ENGESTROM (Univ. of California at San Diego), Activity theory,
pragmatics and the study of language at work

Katarzyna JASZCZOLT (Cambridge Univ.), Temporality and post-Gricean

Asa KASHER (Tel Aviv Univ.), Revisiting philosophical pragmatics:
Implicatures and speech act theory

Michael PERKINS (Univ. of Sheffield), Pragmatics and language pathology

Corinne ROSSARI & Eddy ROULET (Univ. de Genève), Les nouveaux développements
dans les recherches sur les relations de discours et leurs marqueurs

Scott SCHWENTER (Ohio State Univ.), Current issues in the diachronic
micropragmatics of Romance languages

Anna-Brita STENSTROM & Karin AIJMER (Univ. of Bergen & Univ. of Gothenburg),
Conversation analysis: Different approaches to spoken interaction


There is one submission deadline for paper and panel proposals: 1 November
A call for papers with complete instructions is to be found on the IPrA
website (address below). Paper versions can be requested from Ann Verhaert
(ann.verhaert at ipra.be)

GO TO: http://ipra-www.uia.ac.be/ipra/

Jef Verschueren
IPrA Research Center
University of Antwerp
Universiteitsplein 1
B-2610 Wilrijk
tel. +32-3-8202773, fax & tel. +32-3-2305574
jef.verschueren at ua.ac.be

also visit the IPrA website at http://ipra-www.uia.ac.be/ipra/

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