Evolution, and 'functional' + 'social'

Joan Bresnan bresnan at CSLI.STANFORD.EDU
Sun Dec 8 23:02:51 UTC 2002

> Though I haven't yet read DeGraff's contribution, it sounds more plausible
> on the surface of things than Parkvall's remarks, though, because it
> seems to take syntax more seriously than what I could gather from
> Parkvall's quote.

Dan, you really ought to read the references before you comment on
them.  I don't wish to make personal remarks about others on this
list, but a neutral observer might find DeGraff's Linguistic Typology
commentary to be an intemperate rant that crosses the boundaries of
academic civility.  "Trying hard to miss the point"--paraphrasing
Parkvall--is a very kind way to describe it.


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