New MSc in Lexical Computing and Lexicography

Adam Kilgarriff adam.kilgarriff at ITRI.BRIGHTON.AC.UK
Fri Jun 14 16:57:52 UTC 2002

We would very much appreciate it if you could spread the word about
this course.   A poster, for noticeboards, is available at



             MSc in Lexical Computing and Lexicography
             University of Brighton



             A groundbreaking new MSc programme

The field    The MSc links two fast-growing areas in research and
             commerce. Modern dictionaries are compiled through
             increasing use of language technology, while language
             technology applications demand lexical resources of
             ever-increasing quality to improve their performance

Skills       *  analysis of language data
             *  write entries for dictionaries and computer lexicons
             *  plan and manage lexical resource projects
             *  automatic processing of language corpora

Who?         *  graduates in languages, linguistics or computer
                 science wishing to specialize
             *  experienced professionals wishing to consolidate their
             *  full time or part time
             *  individual modules may be taken as stand-alone courses

Prospects    Graduates of the MSc will be well placed to take up posts
             *  dictionary publishing, as lexicographers or computer
             *  software companies involved in language technology
             *  PhD study and research

Where?       The course is run by the Information Technology Research
             Institute, a research institute specialising in language
             and computation, and takes place in Brighton, a vibrant
             and cosmopolitan seaside city one hour from London

Contact      msclex-admin at

             MSc Lexical Computing and Lexicography
             University of Brighton
             Lewes Road
             Brighton BN2 4GJ

             tel: +44 1273 642900
             fax: +44 1273 642908


             Thank you very much,

               Yours sincerely,

                   Adam Kilgarriff
                   Course Leader

Adam Kilgarriff
Senior Research Fellow                         tel: (44) 1273 642919
                         email:      Adam.Kilgarriff at

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