Postal quote/directionality

Daniel Everett dan.everett at MAN.AC.UK
Sat Nov 23 08:31:15 UTC 2002

On Friday, November 22, 2002, at 04:49  pm, Geoff Nathan wrote:
> While Dan is correct to point out the distinction between actuation and
> spread, we can note that a similar directionality in clothing fashion
> would
> lead to cycles of nudity followed by reimposition of elaborate,
> totally-covering clothing.  Life might be more interesting that way,
> but
> clothes don't seem to follow the p > f > h > 0, or N > P > Case ending
> >
> schwa > 0 cycles.
> Geoff
> Geoffrey S. Nathan <geoffnathan at>
Well, I just watched some music videos and I am not sure that we don't
go through such cycles in  some subcultures. Anyway, the fact that not
all things change that could simply reinforces the point that there is
a difference between where a change is likely to take place in a
structural system and when such changes take place.

Theologians of Church Growth have long studied the social forces behind
religious conversions, for example, showing that when people are likely
to convert is often a social question, whereas the 'structural'
problems that pressure some people towards religious change
underdetermine conversion.

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