Conference announcement (Measuring lexical variation and change)

Stefan Grondelaers stefan.grondelaers at ARTS.KULEUVEN.AC.BE
Thu Oct 10 13:00:56 UTC 2002

Apologies for multiple postings

Conference announcement

On October 24-25, the research unit Quantitative lexicology and variational
linguistics of the Department of Linguistics of the University of Leuven
hosts the symposium

A Symposium on Quantitative Sociolexicology

Made possible by the Fund for Scientific Research - Flanders


This workshop brings together researchers in the field of variational
lexicology and diachronic vocabulary studies who use quantitative methods.
Although such methods have been used less intensively in the study of
lexical variation and change than they have been employed in the field of
phonetics, morphology, or other linguistic variables, there is a growing
body of quantitative research on the distribution of words over language
varieties and the diffusion of lexical changes over time. The symposium
intends to create a forum for the confrontation and the comparison of the
different approaches involved.

Structure & schedule

The workshop consists of 5 plenary sessions (1 hour) and 12 regular
sessions (35').

Invited speakers are:

Nigel Armstrong (University of Leeds)
Peter Auer (University of Freiburg)
Harald Baayen (Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics Nijmegen &
University of Nijmegen)
John Nerbonne (University of Groningen)
Terttu Nevalainen (University of Helsinki)

In order to ensure a highly focused event with maximal interaction between
the participants, the number of regular presentations is limited to 12, and
there are no parallell sessions. The full programme, as well as abstracts
of all the lectures can be found on the conference website

Conference venue

The symposium will take place in the Groot Begijnhof "Grand Beguinage",
Leuven's magnificent Unesco heritage. The Begijnhof, which was founded in
the 13th century outside the town walls, is a microcosmos of picturesque
16th-17th C houses, little cobbled alleys, narrow bridges, and an early
Gothic church. It is now a residence for University staff and Foreign
guests. The lectures are organised in the neighboring Irish College (1607),
where a buffet lunch will also be served. Dinner will be served in the
magnificent 16th C infirmary of the Faculty Club.

Accommodation & fees

For participants who present a paper, participation in the symposium, as
well as lunch and dinner on Thursday and Friday are free of charge.
Accommodation will be arranged for active participants in the Begijnhof
Congress Hotel ( (to be paid for by the
participants themselves).

If you are interested in attending the symposium as a passive participant,
please send an e-mail to Dirk Geeraerts, Stefan Grondelaers & Dirk Speelman
(by October 16 at the latest) at the following address:

sociolex at

Additional information on the conference organisers & the conference
schedule, the conference venue (how to get there) & registration, can be
found on the conference website

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