New title: Bybee & Noonan

Paul Peranteau paul at BENJAMINS.COM
Mon Oct 21 19:49:29 UTC 2002

John Benjamins Publishing announces a new work relevant to functional

Title: Complex Sentences in Grammar and Discourse
Subtitle: Essays in honor of Sandra A. Thompson
Publication Year: 2002
Publisher: John Benjamins

Author: Joan L. Bybee (University of New Mexico)
Author: Michael  Noonan (University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee

Hardback: ISBN: 1588111172, Pages: viii, 363 pp., Price: USD 100.00  (US &
Hardback: ISBN: 9027225850, Pages: viii, 363 pp., Price: EUR
110.00  (Everywhere Else)


The papers in this volume in honor of Sandra Annear Thompson deal with
complex sentences, an important topic in Thompson's career. The focus
of the contributions is on the ways in which the grammatical
properties of complex sentences are shaped by the communicative
context in which they are produced, an approach to grammatical
analysis that Thompson pioneered and developed in the course of her
distinguished career.

Table of Contents

      Joan L. Bybee and Michael Noonan  vii - viii
Main clauses are innovative, subordinate clauses are conservative:
Consequences for the nature of constructions
      Joan L. Bybee  1 - 17
Participles in Tsez: An emergent word class?
      Bernard Comrie  19 - 30
Mini-grammars of some time-when expressions in English
      Charles J. Fillmore  31 - 59
Denial and the construction of conversational turns
      Cecilia E. Ford  61 - 78
On the embodied nature of grammar: Embodied being-in-the-world
      Barbara A. Fox  79 - 99
The symmetry of counterfactuals
      John Haiman and Tania A. Kuteva  101 - 124
Note on the grammar of Turkish nominalizations
      Pelin Engin Hennesy and T. Givón  125 - 144
Hendiadys and auxiliation in English
      Paul J. Hopper  145 - 173
"Sentence" in spontaneous spoken Japanese discourse
      Shoichi Iwasaki and Tsuyoshi Ono  175 - 202
Some issues concerning the origin of language
      Charles N. Li  203 - 221
Are subordinate clauses more difficult?
      Carol Lord  223 - 233
Combining clauses into clause complexes: A multi-faceted view
      Christian M.I.M. Matthiessen  235 - 319
Overwrought utterances: "Complex sentences" in a different sense
      Emanuel A. Schegloff  321 - 336
Publications by Sandra A. Thompson  337 - 345
Name index  351 - 355
Subject index  357 - 363

Lingfield(s): Functional & Systemic Ling (Linguistic Theories)
               Linguistic Theories

Written In:  English (Language Code: ENG)

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