ELDP - 2003 Initial Announcement

e.potts info at eldp.soas.ac.uk
Mon Apr 7 15:08:55 UTC 2003

*** Apologies for any cross-posting ***

Endangered Languages Documentation Programme
Advance Notice: 2003 Call for Proposals

With the first round of the ELDP application process completed and offers of
grants made, we propose to move straight on the the second call for
Preliminary Applications.  The purpose of this e-mail is to outline the
timetable and the key structural changes to the programme.  It should be
noted that the timetable has been brought forward when compared with that of

2002 Outcomes
The ELDP received approximately 150 applications in response to its first
call for applications.  About 40 of these were invited to submit detailed
applications, and although it was not possible to offer financial support to
all good proposals, the Fund was able to make formal offers of grants to 21
applicants: Studentships, Fellowships and Project grants.  Details of the
offers, and subsequently details of those accepted, will be publicised on
the ELDP web page shortly (www.eldp.soas.ac.uk).

2003 Timetable

16th May 2003 - Revised guidelines and forms available on the web page.

8th August 2003 - Deadline for submission of Preliminary Applications.

19th September 2003 - Invitations to submit Detailed Applications

14th November 2003 - Deadline for submission of Detailed Applications.

27th February 2004 - Announcement of Funding Awards.

The timetable will be repeated annually.

2003 Guidance
The new guidelines and application forms for the 2003 funding round will be
published on the website by Friday 26th May 2003.  In the meantime, the 2002
guidelines may be used as a general guide.  The five types of application
used in 2002 will remain, although additional guidelindes as to funding
limits will be provided.

The main aims of the Fund remain the documentation of seriously endangered
languages and the criteria remain (a) endangerment, (b) significance of the
language and (c) quality of proposal.  The Fund's primary concern is with
documentation rather than focused revitalisation - although the link is
appreciated and sometimes desirable.  As such prospective applicants should
structure the documentation in such a way as to assist local communities in
preserving and fostering highly endangered ancestral languages and speech

Whilst in essence the guidelines will remain broadly similar, there will be
a number of budgetary refinements.  Key changes that you may wish to note
will be as follows:

- Overhead/ Institutional Administration costs will not be eligible.

- Top-up salaries for established/ employed academics will not be eligible
(this includes the funding of non-institutional funded summer vacation

- A limit of £2000 (pounds sterling) may be requested for publications.

- Major equipment costs (i.e. laptops, camcorders etc) will not be provided
for projects where the period of fieldwork is limited.

- Modest training activity for local communities (within the context of a
substantive project) will be eligible for support.

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